  • 學位論文


A Recurrent Neural Network Based Energy Management-Household Electricity Consumption Forecast

指導教授 : 李昕潔


本研究結合台灣 2017 至 2018 年智慧電表試用戶的用電資料以及 中央氣象局的氣象預測公開資料,試著預測一般家戶未來 24 及 168 小 時的電力使用量,於實驗當中藉由嘗試不同模型、輸入參數以及輸入時 間規模,找出最合適本研究的組合,並得到良好的預測結果。而藉由精 準預測用電戶未來的用電量,能夠提供給台電公司作為電力調度以及 時間電價費率制定的依據,增進台灣能源管理與資料科學的結合與發展。


This study combines the electricity consumption data of smart meter test users in Taiwan from 2017 to 2018 and the public weather forecast data from Central Weather Bureau, trying to predict the electricity consumption of households in the next 24 and 168 hours. In the experiment, different models, input parameters and the time scale of input data are tried to get the best good prediction results. By accurately predicting the future electricity consumption, it can be provided to Taipower company as a basis for power dispatching and Time-of-use Rate pricing to enhance the integration and development of energy management and data science in Taiwan.


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