  • 學位論文


A preliminary study of key success factors of traditional bank import Fintech -with TSBank and Citibank as case studies

指導教授 : 黃仕斌


隨著時代的變化與科技的進步,以顧客為中心的體驗服務也逐步擴展到各個產業,包含消費性電子、電信業、餐飲業以及金融業。科技與金融服務的結合,讓金融業掀起了一波金融科技(Fintech)浪潮,金融科技也對世界經濟有有相當大的重要性,例如有加強經濟發展、金融包容性與效率以達到降低貧窮之效益,此外,投資者也十分看好金融科技的發展,據KPMG估計,包含VC創投、併購以及私募股權投資,Fintech自2014年至2018年呈現了巨大的市場潛力,投資交易金額上從460億美金成長至1200億美金,許多新創企業,甚至是科技巨頭因此紛紛進入市場,並對傳統銀行業的商業模式與收入造成一定的影響,據PWC在2016年金融科技如何重塑銀行業之報告中指出,幾乎80%的銀行高管認為他們至少有一部分業務受到金融科技公司的威脅,因此數位轉型成為現今傳統銀行努力的目標之一,隨著Bank4.0的到來,銀行將被重新定義為擁有銀行執照的科技公司。本研究主要透過四篇包含白皮書以及投顧報告文獻進行次級資料分析,找出金融科技的關鍵成功因素,包含了新興技術的使用、服務成本的降低、多專業團隊建立、開放式銀行理念、ISO 20022服務支持、中後端業務流程優化以及虛實整合等,並針對一我國以及美國在金融科技浪潮中有一定發展之個案-台新銀行與花旗銀行進行個案研究,再將兩個案與關鍵成功因素進行探討比較,發現二個案大致與本研究整理之Fintech關鍵成功因子符合,唯實施做法略有不同,期許該研究結果與整理可提供現行傳統銀行業者了解金融科技的重要性以及未來的應對方向之參考。


With the change of time and advance of science and technology, customer-centricity experience widely using in such as consumer electronics, telecommunications, catering industry and financial industry. Fintech is really important to global economy, for example it can strengthen the development of economy, financial inclusion and poverty alleviation. Besides, many investors see brighter future of Fintech. According to estimation of KPMG, Fintech shows strong potential in its investment market, the deal value increase from 46 billions to 120 billions between 2014 to 2018. Many bigtech and startup companies break into the market, influencing the business and revenue of traditional banks. According to Pwc report in 2016 shows that almost 80% financial sector executives recognize that some part of their business is at risk to FinTech, so digital transformation becomes one of target that banks want to reach. With the approach of Bank4.0, banks will be redefined as the technology companies which have banking licenses. This study conducted a secondary research to analyze the key success factors Fintech through white paper and consultancy study reports, and focused on two case studies- TSBank and Citibank, comparing the difference between two cases and key success factors of Fintech. The results of the study were that the key factors about embracing Fintech of these two case are roughly match the key success factors of Fintech, only the processes are different. The study findings may serve as a guide for further research on bank embracing Fintech directors. Key worlds: Fintech, Digital transformation, Key success factors


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