  • 學位論文

激發式動態教學結合電子白板應用於幾何教學之研究 -以外角定理為例

A Study of Trigger-based Animation Instruction with Interactive Whiteboard In Geometry Teaching –Example of Exterior Angle Thorem

指導教授 : 陳明璋


中文摘要 本研究以八年級「外角定理」單元為教材設計的主題,探討激發式動態教學(TAI)結合電子白板應用於常態班級課堂授課,對學生學習成效及上課感受的影響。 本實驗採二因子準實驗研究設計,自變項為教學因子(「TAI」與「非「TAI」)及硬體操控因子(「白板觸控」與「滑鼠操控」),而依變項為「學習成效」與「上課感受」。研究對象為新北市立某國民中學四個班級的119名國中八年級學生。 實驗結果分析得到: 1.教學因子部分,在常態編班的課堂使用「激發式動態教學」的效果高於「非激發式動態教學」,在後測成績有顯著差異,但上課感受沒有顯著差異。 2.硬體操控因子部分,有無使用電子白板並沒有太明顯的差異,不管是高、中、低成就的學生,在後測成績、上課感受都沒有顯著差異。 3.教學因子與硬體操控因子之間交互作用沒有顯著差異。 4.沒有使用電子白板時,學生的學習成就與上課感受有顯著相關。 5.本實驗的教材沒有專業知識反轉效應產生。 關鍵字:認知負荷、電子白板、激發式動態教學。


Abstract In this study, the topic of teaching material is Exterior Angle Theorem for eighth-grade students. This study investigated the respective effects of Trigger-based Animation Instruction (TAI) with interactive whiteboard on the learning effectiveness and sense perceptionof students in a normal grouping education system. The research is based on 2x2 factorial quasi-experimental design. Four eighth-grade classes from a junior high school participated in this study. Summarized results: (1)About the Instruction Factor:Students who received TAI performed better in immediate posttest than those who received non-TAI. There was significant effect in posttest, but no significant effect in sense perception in class. (2)Abut the Hardware-Controlling Factor:There weren’t obvious differences between using interactive whiteboard manipulation or not. There was no significant effect in posttest, sense perception in class on higher, middle, and lower achievers. (3)There were no significant interactions between the instruction factor and the hardware-controlling factor.


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