  • 學位論文


A new strategy for non-covently modifying carbon nanotubes

指導教授 : 張豐志


在本研究中,我們以新合成之改質劑(UPEO)分散奈米碳管,改質劑一端為超分子官能基[尿嘧啶(uracil)]與奈米碳管有相互吸引作用力,另一端為聚乙二醇(PEG)幫助奈米碳管分散在溶劑中。此改質劑不僅可以幫助奈米碳管分散在去離子水中,也可以分散在有機溶劑當中。在拉曼光譜中可以觀察尿嘧啶與奈米碳管相互之間有作用力存在,由穿透式電子顯微鏡中也可以看到奈米碳管的表面形貌。此外,尿嘧啶在酸鹼下擁有特殊性質,導致被UPEO修改的奈米碳管具有立即PH回應的行為。此外,更將已分散之奈米碳混摻於高分子中,證實其可有效地升高分子性質。 此外,尿嘧啶對汞金屬具有特殊選擇性,我們利用此特點,測試汞金屬與其他金屬對於尿嘧啶不同樣貌,將被含有尿嘧啶的高分子修改的奈米碳管做鑑定,由掃描式電子顯微鏡可以看到它們的形貌。


In this study, a new modifier of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (L-MWCNT406) possessing a supramolecular functionality has been discovered. A supermolecule, UPEO, possessing an uracil head group with a short PEG tail has been non-covalently incorporated to the L-MWCNT406, resulting in substantially stable dispersion in several hydrophilic (water) and hydrophobic (chloroform) solvents . The association existing between the uracil and MWCNT is firstly observed by the Raman spectroscopy. Can also see the surface morphology of carbon nanotubes by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Furthermore, the nature of the uracil leads the UPEO modified MWCNTs to possessing instantly PH responsive behavior. The incorporation of the UPEO modified MWCNT into polymers results in improved properties (e.g. thermal property). Uracil specificity of mercury metal, we take advantage of this feature, test mercury and other metals for different uracil appearance, containing uracil polymer modified carbon nanotubes identified by scanning electron microscopysee their morphology.


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