  • 學位論文


Cell compatibility and properties of small-diameter synthetic PLA/CNT vascular scaffold

指導教授 : 徐瑞坤


本研究探討以聚乳酸為主要成份的具方向性纖維之小管徑人工血管支架的製作方法條件及其細胞培養時之相容性。作為血管壁細胞培養之支架須具備一定的彈性和撓性,及利於細胞附著、生長。本研究中,將奈米碳管先利用化學酸處理方法來改質,接著利用電氣紡絲法製備聚乳酸/奈米碳管之小管徑人工血管支架,分別探討奈米碳管酸處理前後以及不同濃度的奈米碳管,對小管徑人工血管支架纖維幾何特性、機械特性的影響,完成之血管支架再以內皮細胞佈施培養。 最終能在添加酸處理奈米碳管之血管支架纖維表面上產生多孔性、細胞培養上有卓越生長情形且在機械特性方面有較好的機械強度表現並且附有可撓性,實現一個適合細胞生長之小管徑人工血管支架。


電氣紡絲 奈米碳管 支架


In this study, we will develope the small-diameter artificial blood vessel with PLA as the main constituent within the aligned fibers, which has adequate strength as well as flexible, can facilitate cell adhesion and proliferation. The CNT were acid oxidated and added into the polymer solution, then PLA/CNT solution will be fabricated into the small-diameter vessell via electrospinning. The morphology of the fiber, mechanical properties and cell activity of the veaael with/without acid oxidated CNT and in different CNT concentration and with/without acid oxidated will be stuied. Finally, artificial blood vessel which has appropriate porous and mechanical properties as well as flexible that can attract cells to adhesion and proliferation.


electrospun carbon nanotube scaffold


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