  • 學位論文


Application of Lean Construction Concept for Supply-Chain Management of Steel Erection Projects

指導教授 : 黃榮堯


供應鏈管理概念於各產業間之運用已行之有年,不論是在物流管控、存貨管理機制或是流程再造,皆扮演著相當重要的角色。根據研究報告顯示,在營建材料的浪費佔全部購入材料約有9%,時間的浪費包含不必要浪費及附隨作業浪費,亦有35~60%沒有附加價值的作業時間浪費。 營建業之工程特性不同於製造業所大量製造的物品,同時相同的工程類型,也會因為處於不同階段或施工地區的不同而有所差異。過去國內相關鋼構工程之研究與應用大部分只考量物流管理或存貨管理之概念,並未將鋼構工程之生命週期各階段可能遭遇到的問題加以考量。此外,亦沒有區分因分工體制衍生出不同之供應鏈架構,導致各相關評估模式僅侷限在以簡單之物流管控或流程再造方法做管理控制。 本研究訪談鋼構工程供應鏈的五大成員,就其作業程序中所面臨、關切之介面問題進行溝通探討,得出46項主要的介面問題。以系統性整體宏觀的角度及方法來進行改善,加入精簡營建的精神,並把人因問題考慮進來,建構精簡供應鏈流程以替代現行供應鏈模式。透過價值流分析方法,配合專家訪談探討其可行性,得出最佳的精簡鋼構工程供應鏈作業模式。


Lean Construction is an innovative way of project management, with the objectives of expediting the delivery process, improving the cost effectiveness and quality. This study applies the concept of lean construction and studies the supply chain of steel erection projects. The objectives are to identify the non-value added (waste) activities and to streamline the supply chain by reducing those wastes. The scope of the analysis focuses on the time and cost perspectives of the supply chain. Interviews with the major players in the steel erection supply chain, namely designers, general contractors, specialty contractors, and fabricators, are conducted. Seven control points (CP) are identified along the steel erection supply chain. They are CP1: initiation of the chain after the general contractor wins the bid, CP2: completion of shop drawings, CP3: placing orders after reviewing shop drawings, CP4: fabrication of the steel components, CP5: delivery of steel components on site, CP6: erection of steel components, and CP7: completion of the project. Six phases, with each in between two consecutive control points, are then established. Depending on different contracting formatting and organization of the projects, deferent configurations for conducting each of the six phases are further identified. Time duration and cost of the supply chain for different combinations of configurations in each phases are calculated and analyzed. As a result the better combination of configurations for the least time and/or cost of steel erection supply chain is obtained. The proposed operation is further compared with the real word practices for its feasibility. Findings and conclusions are reported.


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