  • 學位論文


Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Installing Raised Reflective Pavement Markers (RRPMs) for City Roads.

指導教授 : 謝浩明


具有反光效果之強化玻璃反光路面標記近幾年來常被使用於國內道路上,以提升駕駛人行車視覺效果與安全,然而國內對於反光路面標記的設置效用尚未有充分深入的研究,導致政府單位使用反光路面標記的標準不一致,並使得反光路面標記的設置標準及成效容易受到質疑。 本研究以台北市市區主要道路為研究對象,探討市區主要道路佈設反光路面標記後對道路安全的影響,藉由蒐集70個路段、50個路段上路口(有交叉道路路段)與15個主要號誌路口之反光路面標記佈設施工資料、車流量、交通肇事資料等,運用統計檢定方法,分析佈設反光路面標記前後之交通肇事改善、不改變或惡化等之變化情形,並運用多變量分析的判別分析法,篩選影響反光路面標記佈設效用的重要變數,以構建佈設的效用分類函數,作為未來佈設反光路面標記之事前評估。 本研究發現,在市區主要道路佈設反光路面標記,對於三種不同道路型態交通肇事雖有不同影響,卻一致降低同向擦撞事故的發生率與增加對撞事故的發生率,然而反光路面標記的佈設在白天與夜間對交通事故的效用並無顯著的不同。研究結果顯示影響反光路面標記佈設成效的主要因素為車道數、路段上號誌數、路邊停車、佈設前交通量、反光路面標記佈設於分向設施情形、反光路面標記佈設於近障礙物或槽化等。路段交通量越高,則在佈設反光路面標記後,會提高路段肇事改善的機率,若路段上車道數越多,則會增加路段肇事惡化的機率。若路段上車道數越多、路段上號誌數越多、且准許路邊停車,則反光路面標記的佈設,會增加路段上路口肇事惡化的機率。故反光路面標記佈設後,仍可能造成肇事情形惡化,因此在佈設反光路面標記前,應蒐集影響變數資料與應用效用分類函數,審慎評估反光路面標記佈設後的施工效益。


The raised reflective pavement markers (RRPMs) have been widely used on the roads in Taiwan area to provide drivers and motorists with the better guidance and hazard warning to improve traffic safety. However, only a few in depth studies pay attention on the post evaluation on the changing of traffic accidents after the installation of RRPMs and therefore provide judgement on the performance before the RRPMs installation. The principal objective of the study is therefore to evaluate on the effectiveness of the application of the RRPMs on the major arterials of the Taipei city. Data were collected for 70 roadway segments, 50 roadway segments with intersections, and 15 major signal intersections. Data items include road improvement, traffic volume, and traffic accident data. Statistical hypothesis testing process is used to categorize the improved, unchanged, and deteriorated samples by comparing the data of before and after the installation of the RRPMs. The discriminant function analysis of multivariate analysis technique is then employed to find out discriminant functions for future application on the feasibility of the installation of the RRPMs. The major findings of the study include that the installation of the RRPMs has various influence on traffic accidents for the there designated road types; it reduces the accident rate for the same directional traffic flow and it increases the accident rate for the reverse large-angled traffic collision. Surprisingly, the effect of the installation of RRPMs in Taipei city shows no difference in day and night times. The factors affecting the effectiveness of the installation of RRPMs are found to be number of traffic lanes, number of signals on road segment, parking on roadside, traffic volume, location of installation, existence of obstacle and channelization. It is expected that those suggestions can be used as important references before installing RRPMs.


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