  • 學位論文


Design of Intelligent Treadmill System Based on Micro-controller

指導教授 : 徐國鎧 郭明庭


本文旨在建立以微控制器為基礎的智慧型跑步機速度控制系統,利用馬達反電動勢經由濾波電路得知負載資訊,而分析出跑者的步態包括體重、步頻、步幅等,並以所得步態資訊,判斷出此跑者是否想加速或減速,而自動作速度調整,毋須透過按鍵選擇。 速度回授方面,使用光遮斷器檢測轉速,透過單晶片內建表格(Table)查表,得到當前跑步機轉速,與目前速度命令比較,經過比例控制器,完成速度控制。 負載量測方面,由馬達電源端直接拉取訊號,經過濾波電路得到負載資訊,包括跑者體重、步頻、步幅等等;利用所得負載資訊,判斷跑者加減速之意願,而自動改變速度命令,改變傳統速度命令由按鍵輸入的窠臼,完成智慧型跑步機系統。 本論文提出之系統亦可透過安裝壓力板於底部、視覺回授、或是跑者血壓脈搏量測等來實現,不過皆屬外加機構,成本過高,不適合做為商品化考量,因此可知本系統在業界應有很高的應用價值。


步態分析 智慧控制 跑步機


The thesis proposes the design and implementation of a microcontroller based intelligent treadmill system. By detecting the back-EMF of the treadmill motor, load information, such as the jogger’s weight, gait length, and gait frequency, etc, could be analyzed after filtered properly. Without setting the speed-up or speed-down button, the treadmill would regulate its speed automatically by means of the gait information. The photo interrupter is utilized as the speed sensor. By consult table constructed in the micro-controller, the present speed is derived. After comparing with current speed command, speed control is fulfilled by proportional controller. As the aspect of load measurement, signals are measured by directly connecting to the DC motor power line. The jogger’s weight, gait frequency, and gait length, are found out after filtered properly. By means of the load information, jogger’s intention to change speed is determined, and the system regulates its speed command automatically without conventional button input. The thesis could also be realized by setting a pressure board under the treadmill, visual feedback, or jogger’s blood pressure measurement. However, all mentioned above are additional devices. For the purpose of commercialization, its cost is rather high. Therefore, the proposed system is very valuable in this perspective.


intelligent control gait analysis treadmill


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