  • 學位論文


A Study on Orthogonally-Multiplexed On-Off-Keyed Modulation Families

指導教授 : 鐘嘉德 魏瑞益


本論文提出兩種新型的正交多工開關鍵控調變家族。傳統正交多工正交振幅調變(Orthogonally-Multiplexed Orthogonal Amplitude Modulation,OMOAM) 及正交多工正交相位調變(Orthogonally-Multiplexed Orthogonal Phase Modulation, OMOPM)所使用的正交群信號方式,本文以開關鍵控信號方式加以取代,並形成正交多工開關鍵控振幅調變(Orthogonally-Multiplexed On-Off-Keyed Amplitude Modulation, OMO2AM)及正交多工開關鍵控相位調變(Orthogonally-Multiplexed On-Off-Keyed Phase Modulation, OMO2PM)家族。由典型頻限性及時限性基底信號所建構的正交多工開關鍵控振幅及相位調變家族,本文以頻帶外功率分布探討其功率頻譜密度的特性; 並基於最大相似原理,推導在白高斯雜訊環境下同調解調信號之最佳化接收機性能,分別以聯合邊限及近似邊限分析比次錯誤率,並以電腦模擬驗證。由數值分析結果,正交多工開關鍵控振幅調變及正交多工開關鍵控相位調變可提供除了傳統正交多工正交振幅調變及正交多工正交相位調變之外,在功率效益及頻譜效益上更多的設計選擇。當信號基底由可實現的正交方波構成時,正交多工開關鍵控家族更可提供比一些常用的正交頻分多工信號更 好的功率效益及頻譜效益。本文也分析在IFFT 實現架構下的接收效能; 正交多工開關鍵控家族仍可應用於多路徑延遲擴散環境下。


This thesis presents two new orthogonally-multiplexed on-off-keyed modulation families. By substituting the on-off-keyed signaling for the orthogonal group signaling adopted in two recently reported modulation formats, namely the orthogonally multiplexed orthogonal amplitude modulation (OMOAM) and the orthogonally-multiplexed orthogonal phase modulation (OMOPM) , the orthogonally-multiplexed on-off-keyed amplitude modulation (OMO2AM) family and the orthogonally-multiplexed on-off-keyed phase modulation (OMO2PM) family are investigated. The power spectral density characteristics of both OMO2AM and OMO2PM signals constructed from typical band-limited and time-limited basis signal sets are studied in terms of fractional power containments. Based on the maximum-likelihood principle, the optimum schemes for coherently demodulating uncoded OMO2AM and OMO2PM signals on the additive white Gaussian noise channel are developed. Union bounds and approximate upper bounds are analyzed and verified by simulation to evaluate the bit error probability characteristics of the optimum schemes. From numerical results, the OMO2AM and OMO2PM schemes are found to provide other good choices of power and spectral efficiencies ranging among the efficiencies is achieved by the OMOAM and OMOPM families. When constructed from the practically realizable basis set with rectangularly pulsed quadrature carrier signals, improvement over certain orthogonally frequency-division-multiplexing modulation schemes in both power and spectral efficiencies is also achieved by some OMO2AM and OMO2PM schemes. The error performance of OMO2AM and OMO2PM schemes realized in FFT architecture with different modulation mapping are also studied. The on-off-keyed formats can also be applied in delay spread channel.


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