  • 學位論文


The Actives of Communist Party of Malaya,1930~1989

指導教授 : 陳鴻瑜 齊茂吉


共產主義在亞洲的發展曾是國際民主陣營最關切的問題,特別是中共政權的建立、韓戰爆發以及東南亞各國共黨蠢蠢欲動的武裝革命,而共產陣營的中、蘇兩大領導國家在東南亞的競合,更是成為最困擾東南亞各國政府的政治與外交問題。而堪稱政治與經濟最穩定發展的新、馬兩國,卻也不能順利克服共產黨的騷亂,而是在無計可施的情況下與共產黨和談,結束他們將近60年的共產革命,馬來亞共產黨發展過程從起始到結束之戲劇性變化,皆是本文選擇作為研究主題的原因。 本文以馬來亞共產黨從1930年到1989年在新、馬的活動為主題,除了說明其革命活動中以往不為外界所了解的問題之外,也對馬共革命過程中存在特殊現象作說明,特別是種族主義強烈的馬來人為何會參加以華人為主要成員的共產活動,馬共又是如何進行它的滲透活動,使得在軍事鬥爭失敗後卻能繼續活動,始終是政府最棘手的問題。因而本文研究馬來亞共產黨59年的革命活動,欲藉由對整個馬共革命過程中政策、組織及動員方式的分析,認識共產黨活動的模式,來解答上述問題。 綜合國內外相關研究後,認為對馬共活動之探究,應選擇以1930年到1989年為研究的時間斷限,等於是含蓋整個馬共的歷史,如此選擇的原因主要鑑於本文欲以馬共動員方法及其革命過程中還存有疑義的問題,且馬共每個時期的動態皆與先前的活動息息相連,將時間作切割的研究很難對馬共的革命行為及意義作確實的理解;研究的空間範圍不觸及東馬,因為東馬共產黨活動始終與馬共沒有實際的交集。研究方法雖以歷史學文獻分析法為主,但是本文在研究途徑上有別於以往沒有理論架構的相關研究,採取「社會運動學」當中對於一場社會運動發起及籌備的理論與概念,作為建構本文的研究架構。 對於馬共革命活動之探究(1930~1989)一文共分六章呈現,在緒論說明研究旨趣及結論歸結研究論點,再以社會運動學的理論鋪陳第一章到第四章的架構。第一章「馬來亞共產黨革命運動的環境分析」主要論述英國在新、馬的殖民統治政策及因此產生的社會變遷,以及在此社會變遷中蘊釀出讓馬共得以生長及活動的環境與條件;第二章「馬來亞共產黨革命運動的網絡佈置」以馬共在不同時期政策、組織結構及領導層社會網絡的變化為分析重點,以理解在新、馬社會中馬共革命運動的性質;第三章「革命運動的機會製造與奪取」進一步分析馬共如何在瞬息萬變的新、馬政治機會結構中,運用隨時變換的革命策略及個人社會關係的發揮,發動一場又一場的顛覆政府的社會運動;第四章「馬共革命運動的結盟」以馬共對外的黨際與族際關係為主要討論重點,探討這兩種關係對馬共革命運動成敗的影響。


In 1930,Comintern reformed the Nanyang Communist Party as the Communist Party of Malaya in Johor,taking over the authority from CCP about communist active in Southeast Asia. Under the guiding of Comintern, the CPM endeavored to recruit the Malay and the Indian, but they were failed before the Japanese occupation. During the World War II, CPM gained great support from the mass including the Malay in Singapore and Malaya, and cooperating with Brith’s Allied Force for South East Asia in end of 1943.CPM couldn’t establish communism authority after the war, although they gained a large number of militant resoures from Britsh and got much assistance in materials from people during the war. When the conflict was risen between Brith Military Adiministration (BMA) and CPM, the 12 years of Emergency war was occurred.Nither the Authority nor the CPM was the winner in the Emergency war when CPM developing its revolutionary forces in South Thailand in late 1950s.In South Thailand,CPM successfully utilized the two-way stratege-- “united front from above”and “united front from below”to penetrate the student,labour and political societies in Singapore and Malaysia.Despite of the Chinese being the major member in CPM’ army, the Malay The dissertation in this study is to discuss the CPM ‘s partyline, leadership,organisation and propaganda in Singapore and Malaya/Malayasia.During this discussion, the researcher selects West Malaysia and Singapore as this study range by the reason of no relationship between the CPM and NKCP(North Kalimantan Communist Party).In order to understand the mode of CPM’s actives,the researcher exercises the concept of social movement theory to analysis this subject and construct the programe of this theme. This study has two contributions for academic circle in the field of Southeast Asia Historiy: (1)It provides an comprehensive observation about the CPM.(2)It gives a clear statement about mass mobilization methods of CPM.(3)It not only explaines the relationship between CPM and other Communist Party,but also the relationship between the CPM and its Malay members.


Chin Peng, My Side of History, Media Masters,Singapore,2003.


