  • 學位論文


Full-color reflection disk-type multiplex holography

指導教授 : 鄭益祥


利用反射式全像片具有高度的波長選擇性,以及利用三乙醇氨水溶液來控制藥膜的膨脹,我們針對數個不同波長設計出空間中全像片觀賞狹縫的位置,其中在實驗的部份分為兩個階段拍攝:母片(亦為觀賞狹縫位置)在空間中形成一個虛擬圓錐,我們搭配平行圓錐中心軸的平面波做為參考光來拍攝;而在子片拍攝的部份,我們則是將由母片重建出的物體資訊作為物光,同時以聚焦在圓錐中心軸上的收斂波做為參考光,來拍攝出反射式全像片。重複以上的拍攝步驟,其間並利用計算出的變形圓錐母片以提供物體資訊,它們與聚焦在不同位置的收斂波干涉而被記錄在藥膜膨脹的子片上,經過顯影、定影、漂白與晾乾過程後,藥膜的收縮將改變光柵的週期,最後的全像片成品經由白光光源重建,可以產生全彩的物體影像。 「全彩展示之反射式圓盤型複合全像術」延續「擴展垂直視角之反射式圓盤型複合全像術」的實驗系統架構,配合「全彩反射式圓盤型複合全像術之視窗設計與模擬分析」的理論架構與模擬結果來進行實驗。本研究的實驗成果也達成了展現全彩的物體影像給環繞四周的觀察者同時觀賞的目的,使全彩全像術有了更進一步的進展。


Reflection hologram has the property of high wavelength selectivity. In this thesis paper TEA solutions of various concentrations are needed for film swelling. Using this property we can design the viewing slits at a fixed location in the space for various wavelengths. The formation of a reflection hologram is subdivided into two steps: A virtual cone is formed by transferring the information the H1(master) and the H2(transfer). A plan wave which is parallel to the axis of the cone serves as the reference wave. In the second step, the object images recorded in H1 is retrieved at the image plane to act as the object wave. The reference wave for transfer formation is a converging spherical wave which is focused onto a point on the axis of the cone. With well-designed holographic parameters, a green (or blue) colored image can be obtained by pre-soaking the unexposed film in TEA solution of a suitable concentration. Then the finished hologram is suitable for white light illumination and a 3D full-color image can be seen by the observer. This thesis emphasizes the experimental aspect. It utilizes the two-step process devised in the thesis “Viewing window extension for reflection disk-type holography” and the theoretical model as well as its simulated results in the thesis entitled “The design of viewing slits and the characteristics of diffracted image of full-color reflection disk-type multiplex holography”. Ultimately we successfully fabricate a reflection hologram which can display a full-color 3D images, with white light illumination, for 360° walk-around viewing.


reflection holography holography TEA full-color


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