  • 學位論文

國際高科技企業知識管理之關鍵成功因素探討 -以A公司為例

指導教授 : 林子銘


現今國際企業為了更貼近顧客,提供更好更快速的產品與服務,團隊組織成員多分布在世界各國,而不同國家之團隊成員在服務顧客的同時也累積了許多寶貴的商場知識與經驗,若能將這些寶貴知識彙集起來,進一步的應用在企業上,便能為企業帶來更多的商業利益。因此本研究係以國際高科技公司為例,來作為一實證研究,以瞭解跨國文化的虛擬團隊可以如何攜力合作,逐步建構跨國團隊的知識管理 (Knowledge Management, KM)。 研究者由於已在國際高科技公司工作多年,個案公司也於本世紀初啟動知識管理機制,其成果具有顯著的成效。研究者即藉由本論文重新整理、萃取知識管理精髓,與實務經驗相對應,探討跨國文化的虛擬團隊如何能成功推動知識管理。所以,本研究目的即在於探討國際高科技公司知識管理的關鍵成功因素以及整合學術文獻與本研究知識管理個案推動之過程(實務經驗),希冀透過實證研究能找出在跨國文化的虛擬團隊推動知識管理的關鍵成功因素,以及相關的有效策略措施。 本研究主要採用個案研究法為主,研究者透過收集過去文獻、個案省思回憶、人員訪談及問卷進行研究。透過個案內的知識管理推動過程與成果,瞭解知識管理對企業的幫助、以及知識管理專案的成功因素。 本研究認為在國際企業推動知識管理之成功因素包含了高階主管與各級經理人的支持、組織跨功能、跨國際的工作團隊與知識社群、應用專案管理方法、創造利於知識分享的文化、確立知識管理流程、應用資訊科技的輔助、建立有效的激勵機制等等,而最關鍵的就是要建立團隊成員之間的信任,方能以社會交換理論進行最佳實務分享。


As international business team members supply field services for customers around the world, they will have accumulated a lot of valuable knowledge and experience. Once there is an approach to gather all the valuable knowledge together, the international enterprises will be able to bring in more commercial returns. Reasonably, there are many key factors to impact the success of such an approach. Taking an international high-tech company as an example, this paper is to study the key factors on how to implement KM (Knowledge Management) well through virtual team cooperation in international enterprises. With the experience of working in international high-tech companies for around 20 years, the researcher has been dedicated to building and maintaining a KM system in Asia. With much team effort being deployed, the case studied within this paper has demonstrated significant advantage of KM. The researcher has learnt much practical experience on how to deploy KM well within an international enterprise. With the knowledge integration of academic literature and related researches, it will be helpful to realize the way to implement KM successfully in the international enterprises. That becomes the purpose of this study, hoping to identify the critical success factors and the effective strategies when appropriate. This research is based on the case study method. The researcher has collected insights through the past literatures, the real case recalled reflection, staff interviews and questionnaires for research. Finally, this research has found 7 success factors for KM, which include gaining support from high-level executives and managers, building community through cross-cultural virtual team cooperation, utilizing project management practices, creating a conducive culture for knowledge sharing, establishing KM processes, developing good IT support and having effective incentive mechanism. But the key is to build trust among the team members, and then to use social exchange theory to share best practices.


Knowledge Management virtual team


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