  • 學位論文


Making retirement financial plans with Investment-Oriented Insurance

指導教授 : 邱慈觀


近年來退休的議題,愈發引人注目,國內的退休金制度,屬軍公教人員最為優渥,較無退休準備的壓力,但為數最多的勞工階層,卻普遍面臨退休準備不足的問題;本研究的主要目的,是希望透過目前最為熱門的投資型保險,以某保險公司實際銷售之兩種變額萬能投資型保險,以需求分析的方法,探討能否以投資型保單作為退休理財規劃之工具。 本文先說明投資型保險的意義與現況,特色與種類,投資連結標的以及投資型保險的風險;進而探討高齡化與少子化的社會結構,所得替代率與退休金三支柱,軍公教人員與勞工退休金制度,並探討未來退休的變數與挑戰。此外,本文並以兩個勞工個案,顯示投資型保單確可解決勞工退休金不足的問題。並就此提供情境分析。 投資型保險兼具保險保障與投資理財兩大功能,保戶可自行決定投資標的與投資比例;研究結果發現,以定期定額的投資方式,透過長期資產的累積,藉由一張投資型保單,就可滿足子女教育、保險保障、退休養老等不同階段的人生需求。以投資型保險作理財規劃,宜掌握及早投資且持之以恆定期定額扣繳的原則;愈早作規劃,藉由時間與複利的累積,愈能提早達成自己的理財目標




In recent years, the issue of retirement has been attracting more and more attention. In the domestic pension system, civil servants have the best benefits and less stress preparing for retirement. However, the largest number of the labor class is generally facing the problems of inadequate retirement preparation. The main purpose of this study is to go through the investment-oriented insurance, which is at present the most popular type, and use the actual sales of the two variable universal investment-oriented insurance of an insurance company and the demand analysis method to explore whether the investment-oriented policy can be used as a retirement financial planning tool. This paper will first describe the definition, current status, characteristics, type, investment link target and risk of Investment-Oriented Insurance; and then further explore the aging and birth rate declination society structure, income replacement rate, pension, pension system of civil servants and laborers, and the future retirement variables and challenges. In addition, this paper also uses two labor cases to show that the investment-oriented policy really can resolve the problem of insufficient labor pension, and provides situational analysis. Investment-Oriented Insurance has insurance and investment finance functions, the policy holders can decide their own investment target and proportion. The study result found that an investment-oriented policy that uses the systematic investment plan with the accumulated long-term assets will be able to meet the different stages of life demands, such as: children’s education, insurance, and retirement pension. Making financial plans with Investment-Oriented Insurance must grasp the principle of early investment and perseverance systematic investment plan; the earlier the plan is made, the earlier the financial goals can be achieved through accumulated time and compound interest.


income replacement rate


﹝16﹞Ben G. Baldwin,William G. Droms,“Life Insurance Investment Advisor”,Probus Publishing Company,Chicago,1988。
﹝18﹞Tarun Chordia,“The Structure of Mutual Fund Charges”,Journal Of Financial Economics,P3~P39,1996。


