  • 學位論文

銀行分行屬性差異與績效評核制度之研究- 以個案銀行之消費金融分行為例

指導教授 : 鄭漢鐔


本研究主要探討個案銀行目前轄下58家消費金融分行其績效評核方式,研究期間為2006年度第1季至2008年度第1季,依業務績效(盈餘、活期性存款、屬性業務、自選業務與區域聯營)與全面品質管理績效(內部控制與服務品質)二大類別(共計七個變數)收集相關資料,另將不完整且有遺漏值的資料剔除後,將相同分行但不同季別的資料加總,取該項目之平均數為代表,最後彙整為58筆資料作為本研究的樣本。 本研究以績效衡量的角度出發,為銀行之經營尋找出適切的績效指標,並利用績效評比項目調整分行屬性,故本研究利用群集分析針對不同分行是否具有同質性來加以分組,並透過區別分析確認分組的結果。本研究發現,個案銀行之消費金融分行可分為三組,分別為績優分行、成長性分行與新成立分行。另外以平衡計分卡之觀念,透過財務、顧客、內部控制及學習與成長等四個構面加以探討,使分行之績效評核達成總公司的目標。此外,當分行績效不如預期時,總公司應該發展其他新的資源以提昇分行績效,同時考慮不同的經營策略,以克服沒有效率的事件發生,讓分行不僅可以善用資源提高經營績效也可提升員工的工作效率。


In this thesis, we study the evaluation of performance of a particular bank which has fifty-eight branches during the first quarter of 2006 to the first quarter of 2008. We collect data from the following two types (seven variables) information, sales performance (including earning, current account deposit, attribute service, optional service and region joint management) and total quality control performance (including internal control and service quality). In this thesis, we study the evaluation of performance. We are looking for a better indicator of performance for operation of banks. Moreover, we will use evaluation item to adjust the properties of branches and use the discriminant analysis. In our research, branches can be divided into three parts: the brilliant performance branch, the developing branch, the new established branch. Furthermore, we use the idea of balanced scorecard to analyze finance, customers, internal control and learning to study the method of evaluation of performance and make suggestion to head office. We hope to help branches are satisfied the requirement of the head office and find a best indicator of performance for bank. We find out how to adjust resource and cluster members if some evaluation indicators do not perform well and some other indicators have good performance. Furthermore, if the performance of a branch is not satisfied the requirement of the head office. The head office should try to develop another new resource to upgrade the sale performance of the branch. On the other hand, when a branch is ineffective, the head office should try to consider a different strategy to overcome the ineffective event. In the mean time, the branch can upgrade their performance.


洪逸瑞 (2005):金控公司消費金融行銷通路策略之研究~以台北富邦銀行與國泰世華銀行為例。 淡江大學管理科學研究所碩士論文
