  • 學位論文

制訂公共工程DBO統包契約要項之芻議-以FIDIC Condition of Contract for Design ,Build and Operate Projects 為依據

A research proposal for framing the contract clauses about the public construction procured on a DBO basis -Perspective based on FIDIC Condition of contract for Design, Build and Operate Projects

指導教授 : 謝定亞


政府採購法允許機關在效率與品質兼顧原則下以統包辦理採購,經承包商整合設計與施工雖節省工期,如承包商其基於成本考量而採最低設計標準、較低標準之材料及設備同等品,亦難有誘因為機關營運需求作整體最佳化考量,因而可能造成機關日後不便營運與維護,設施使用年限減短。即便以較低預算採購工程,但營運期間成本增加,未必能節省整體生命週期成本。然而DBO統包模式有彌補這些潛在問題的可行性。該模式為承包商設計並建造設施後營運該設施,以滿足業主營運目的與要求,並負責設施檢修保養、資產重置更新,於營運期滿後將依然能正常運轉之設施交還業主。承包商因負營運期間整廠設施能維持正常商轉以滿足營運目的之保固/保證責任,且須負擔缺失修補成本,更有誘因於設計-施工階段整合營運所需優化因子,如便於營運維護、落實提供適合於營運目的需求之設計與設備材料品質標準等層面整體考量,以降低其成本與風險。 採行DBO統包模式目前雖有法源依據,然而國內現行主要制式契約針對於DBO整體或其契約重心環節-營運階段之相關作業準則與契約規範付之厥如,公共工程採購主辦機關如欲依其個案特性與需求採行DBO統包模式,現階段顯無完備的準則與規範供其於擬定契約時作參考或遵循。 FIDIC於2007年訂定出DBO契約範本,其中對於採購法(§ 24-3)與統包實施辦法(§ 3-1)有具體呼應之整體性概念描述。 本研究欲針對FIDIC DBO契約範本對應於營運階段之關鍵契約規範、與雙方權利義務及責任進行分析與探討其內涵及精神,研擬營運期間相關契約要項及相關制式約款之芻議,俾供主辦機關採行DBO而欲擬定契約時作參考,確立契約行為互信基礎,進而發揮DBO契約精神效益。


DBO 統包 營運 公共工程 契約


Conducting procurement on a Design-Build or Turnkey basis, the entity may procure the construction with the less contract price but after taking over the facility , the entity may need additional expenses to operate the facility. FIDIC thinks that a project which is essentially made up of two principle periods – the Design-Build period and the Operation period – as a single contract with a single contractor – rather than use the FIDIC Silver Book for the Design-Build and prepare a new document for the Operation part. The commitment of the contractor to the complete project - and the best way to do that is to cover the whole D-B plus the operation elements in a single contract. The DBO approach to contracting combines design, construction and long-term operation and maintenance of a facility into one single contract awarded to a single contractor. DBO contract has a principal advantage-optimization of life-cycle costs. The format of a DBO arrangement can be based on FIDIC Silver Book. Either is quite common, however the contractual requirements and procedures are quite different. If the entity want to conducting procurement on a DBO basis based on actual needs, since there is yet a standardized from of DBO to be followed. Therefore, how to properly frame the DBO contract clauses about public construction are essential issues worth to study now. In this research, problems and corresponding solutions in performing contracts are summarized by comparing the differences between FIDIC DBO and FIDIC EPC to figure out the right and responsibilities and right between both parties during the operate period. Next, identify problems about contract on public construction from some case studies and investigation reports on contract disputes. Then, referenced some comprehensive literature and proposed a feasible checking items for operate period of contracts which is more practical.


DBO Tunnkey Operation Public construction Contract


15.FIDIC,”Condition of Contract for EPC Turnkey Project”。


