  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 滕曉雲


在農藥產業中各種防治病蟲害藥劑非常多,而市場結構千變萬化,防治病蟲害又依作物項和病蟲害的不同而有所區隔,因此在眾多產品中找出「因滅汀2.15%乳劑」產品,此產品在市場使用的涵蓋面最廣,以做為本研究主軸,本研究針對「因滅汀2.15%乳劑」來分析其在市場的競爭優勢,「因滅汀2.15%乳劑」為一種農業用殺蟲劑,由Merck公司開發而成。在農藥產業中單項產品常會與同業做SWOT評估,但並沒有實際的研究數據,能顯示出此產品在市場機制的深入探討及評估下得到的結果,因而思考出因應對策及採取改善措施,在未來可以將類似產品作市場競爭優勢評估,如何在激烈的產品競賽中取得競爭優勢,是非常值得研究的一個課題。 本研究以台灣農藥產業個案公司為例,來分析「因滅汀2.15%乳劑」之市場競爭優勢。研究方式將以「需求特徵分析」問卷調查方式探討個案公司與兩家上市公司在競爭激烈的市場中應如何強化競爭優勢和調整策略,以屹立於競爭激流中而不動搖,進而在各項資源整合下,將主要劑型轉換安全劑型,才能突破重圍在競爭激烈的市場中找到新商機。


This study is to discuss the competitive advantage of company A in the Emamectin benzoate 2.15% EC market. Company A is in the pesticide industry with numerous products for various crops and pests, and each category has its own market feature. Emamectin benzoate 2.15% EC, developed by Merck, is a chemical covering a wide range of insect pests and crops, and is representative to the overall company strategy. SWOT analysis is a common platform to reveal the company competetiveness. However, it does not require quantitative data, and usually lacks of in depth analysis. Relying on the strategy formed based on this subjective methodology to the intensively competitive market is questionable and risky. This study is based on "Analysis of Characteristic" through market survey from questionnaire method to explore the competition between Company A and the other two public companies. The focus is on how to elaborate its competitive strength via effective change management. The conclusion is to differentiate through eliminating human toxic concern from current commodity by better resource allocation and integration, thus to create new business opportunity among the mature market.


6. 司徒達賢(1998)。為管理定位:天下雜誌。
17. 農政與農情,2009年11月209期,行政院農業委員會。
14. 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局。
20. 台灣經濟研究院助理研究員許嘉尹,兩岸農藥產業現況與進出口貿易分析。
19. 台灣區植物保護工業同業公會。
