  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 董必正




HCPV system is currently the highest power output of the system, the use of large-scale concentrator module focus sunlight and exposure on the solar cell. It could reduce the area of solar cells and reduce the cost of electricity. However, to increase the maximum power generation efficiency, we must reduce the deviation angle. This study is based on short-circuit current disturbance mixed trajectory tracking method. Enables organizations to aging, body positioning error and other issues do not affect the accuracy. Designing the mass productive solar board can reduce controller cost to HCPV system. Compared to the common controller : active controller with light sensor and Passive formula tracker controller, it can effect to reduce controller cost. In addition, this study propose a strategy with azimuth correction. It help the correct step become easier. Elevation is proposed to use the number of relations with the pulse regression curve. The amount may be more conducive to the production of machines and Correction. It’s suitable for different mechanism design, and get the best output power.


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