  • 學位論文


A study on Taoyuan City Hakka Associations Network Participation

指導教授 : 陳定銘


隨著臺灣時空背景的變遷,客家社團服務的面向以及蘊含的社會資本不僅不同於以往也愈趨多元,故本研究首先採用社會網絡分析法,探析桃園市客家社團不同面向的網絡參與情形,再透過深度訪談法,了解公部門、學者專家以及社團重要幹部對於桃園市客家社團的發展與互動連結情形的看法。目的在探究桃園市客家社團網絡參與的運作與發展,並探索社會資本議題與客家社團互動、發展的關聯性,觀察客家社團間的網絡連結。 研究結果發現,不同的客家社團類型蘊含的社會資本也有差別。桃園市客家社團網絡參與較為疏遠,公部門為網絡中心人物,和各社團連結最多,客家社團較仰賴政府的補助,好處是可因此引進資源,讓社團運作更加順利,但只靠連結型社會資本是無法對社團長期發展產生多大的助益,因為隨之而來負面的影響會讓部分社團容易養成依賴政府的習慣,失去自主、自助、自力的能力。桃園市不少客家社團缺乏專業人才與經費不足,當社團能力不足時,網絡連結會發生斷裂,中斷社會資本的累積。客家社團發展、社會資本的累積與社團網絡參與互為表裡,相輔相成,社會資本成為社團網絡聯繫的橋梁,關係也因而建立,網絡聯結愈多,社團取得訊息與資源的管道更多元,擁有更豐富的社會資本。


With Taiwan’s constantly changing background, the aspects and the social capital for the Hakka community service not only different from the past but also increasingly diverse. Therefore, using social network analysis, this study aims to discuss different aspects of social capital of Hakka community in Taoyuan City.  This interview hopes to find out the understanding among the public sector, academics, experts and community for the development of cadres and interactive links circumstances for Taoyuan City Hakka community. The propose of this study is to explore the operation and development of the Hakka community in Taoyuan network participation and to explore social capital issues interact with the Hakka community development association, observational network link between the Hakka community  Our study found that the Hakka community network to participate in Taoyuan City have weak communication. The public sector is a central figure in the network, and links up to each community. Thus, Hakka communities rely on government for introducing resources to communities for more smooth operations. But it alone cannot help a long-term development of the community because the negative effects easily make some communities dependent on the government and end up with the habit of losing autonomy, self-help, as well as the ability to self-reliant. Many Hakka communities in Taoyuan City lack of professionals and often run short of funds. For the ineffective communities, the network link will be broken, and will interrupt the accumulation of social capital. Hakka community development, social capital accumulation and the community network participation are two sides of the same coin and mutually reinforcing one another. The social capital works as a bridge for networking communities, and thus the relationships are established. The more the network links, the more the community gain information and resources and increase abundant social capital as well.


Lin, N.(2001). Social capital: A theory of social structure and action. UK: Cambridge Uni.Press.
