  • 學位論文


Deconstructing the notion of Taiwan's best employers

指導教授 : 劉念琪


在西方實行多年的「最佳雇主」、「最佳職場」等獎項,近些年也吹進台灣,在產業企業、政府機關間興起所謂的「幸福企業」評選,可謂風起雲湧。實證研究指出,榮膺這些獎項的幸福企業,不論在營運績效、股價上都是正向幫助。然而談到幸福企業,相關的本土研究文獻較闕如。 因此本研究以初探角度,輔以質性研究方法,藉由文獻探討與訪談國內20位本土及外商人力資源主管,去歸納台灣幸福企業的意象與實質內涵。從探討幸福企業定義出發,進一步深究企業致力成為幸福企業與否的動機,以及人力資源主管認為的幸福企業應具備哪些條件與樣貌,並期望討論目前台灣企業對幸福企業「標竿」的追求,其背後可能的推力及意涵。 本研究發現台灣企業對於所謂幸福企業的定義並非以滿足員工個別需求的福祉出發,多是從外在的雇主品牌為主要考量,或者是滿足法令需求為前提;再者,對於這些員工福祉活動相較西方是天賦給予(given),反而是一種上對下的給予或施捨(giving),以上這些因素造成台灣企業充滿樣板、齊一性的福利措施,反而成為台灣幸福企業的統一樣貌,缺少更細緻性、針對少數員工的福利措施。隨著員工的需求與族群分類越來越多元,自然難滿足各式員工需求,員工福祉難以面面俱到,如此一來多數台灣的幸福企業便容易淪為「幸福企業不幸福」的情境。


“Best Employer Award” and “Great Workplace Award” …etc, are in honor of companies have great welfare and employee benefit in western countries, now become a “phenomenon” in Taiwan recently due to marvelous support from government and industries. There is few domestic study to identify the meaning, definition with comprehensive angles. Qualitative research method is adopted for case study, gathering data through behavioral-event-interviewing twenty HR managers and literature reviewing to find out the Taiwan’s best employers’ notion and illusion. Research reveals that Taiwan’s best employers focused on the “employer branding”, “abide by the law” instead of the actual contributions to benefit the employees’ needs. Moreover, employee well-being is considered as “given human rights” in Western culture, but “giving rights” in Taiwan local companies. Above those reasons, Taiwan’s best employers are “standard, similar”, lack of diversity and couldn’t make employees to feel abundant, happier.


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