  • 學位論文


Wind-driven Cross Ventilation under the Influence of an Adjacent Large Building

指導教授 : 朱佳仁




In densely-populated areas, where buildings are grouped closely together, wind-driven ventilation is strongly influenced by the surrounding buildings. The sheltering effect of the surrounding built-up environment can reduce the wind speed and wind-driven ventilation rate. This study used a three-dimensional Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model to investigate the influences of adjacent building on wind-driven natural ventilation of a pitched-roof building. The influences of building height, width and spacing between the buildings were systemically studied. The results demonstrate that the influence of the adjacent building on the ventilation rate of the pitched roof building becomes insignificant when the spacing S  2.0He. The leeward pressure is larger than the windward pressure when the building width Wb/Wu = 2.0. In other words, the air flow will enter the building from the leeward opening and exit through the windward opening. Furthermore, when the pitched roof building is behind a tall flat-roof building, due to the sheltering effect, the ventilation rate of the pitched roof building is significantly reduced with the increasing height of the flat-roof building.


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