  • 學位論文


Wind Tunnel Experiment of Roughness Sublayer above the Plant Canopy

指導教授 : 朱佳仁




The turbulence transport of momentum, heat and mass (water vapor, CO2, O2, seed and pollen) between the plant canopies and atmosphere not only affect the photosynthesis, evaporation and transpiration of plants, but also influence the micro-meteorology of forest area. This study used wind tunnel experiments to investigate the turbulent flow above the plant canopy and the wake flow of the canopy. Mean velocity profiles and turbulence parameters are measured at several down-wind distances. The friction velocity u** calculated from the logarithmic profile and the friction velocity u*c computed from the Reynolds stress are in good agreement. This study also investigates the influence of porosity on the drag coefficient and the friction factor of the canopy. The experimental results indicate that the drag coefficient is much larger than the friction factor.


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