  • 學位論文


Development of An Intelligent Green Building Project Management Evaluation System

指導教授 : 林志棟 周建成


台灣智慧綠建築推動方案自2013年7月1日起,總工程造價達二億以上的公共工程,皆需取得智慧建築與綠建築雙認證標章。法制化的推動,逐漸受到營建相關產業的關心與重視,隨著人民生活水準需求的提升,建築物自動化理念的推動,牽動了相關產業的活絡發展與繁榮。 本研究以美國CII於1995年所研發Project Definition Rating Index(PDRI)評估模式為方法論,結合智慧建築、綠建築設計評估基準,以及營建專案管理作業,研發一套評估方法稱之為智慧綠建築專案管理評估系統(Intelligent Green Building Project Management Evaluation System)。評估系統可整合專案開發作業需求,進行專案策略、目標、流程等管理作業的整合。主要應用於專案先期規劃(Pre-Project Planning)評估,可利用規劃所得檢核表持續對專案執行過程進行監視與控制,確保專案達成進度、成本、變更設計預算等目標績效。 智慧建築與綠建築雙認證評估作業整合,在先期規劃時考量開發需求,透過作業分解結構進行專案需求作業描述,並以層級分析法訂定相對性作業權重。並建議專案生命週期各個階段作業的評估與檢核,做為智慧建築與綠建築專案管理執行績效的評估法。 本研究主要達到的研究成果如下: 1.可有效預測、迴避、降低專案執行過程中可能引發的風險; 2.結合智慧建築與綠建築設計評估基準,整合營建工程專案管理作業,訂定先期專案計畫目標、流程與作業評估範圍; 3.建置智慧及綠建築專案管理評估系統,經研究模擬驗證,可以達到專案預期的績效目標。


The methodology of this research is based on the evaluation mode of Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI) developed by CII, USA in 1995. By integrating with the design evaluation basis of intelligent and green buildings as well as construction project management, this research has successfully developed a new evaluation method called the “Intelligent Green Building Project Management Evaluation System”, which can be applied to implement integration of operational requirements for project development, such as project strategy, goal, and process. The major application is the evaluation of Pre-Project Planning, in which the checklist derived from Pre-Project Planning may be applied for later constant monitoring and controlling over the project development process in order to assure the efficiency performance of the schedule, and cost and design changes of the project. For the operational integration of the dual verification of Intelligent & Green building, the project development requirements will be evaluated at the pre-project planning stage, described by breaking down the operational process, and finally arranged in priority sequence with the application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process. It is also suggested that evaluation and audit at every stage of the project cycle should be applied to assess the efficiency performance of intelligent and green building project management. This research has accomplished the following goals: 1. To effectively predict, mitigate and reduce the possible risks in the process of project development. 2. To integrate the design evaluation basis of intelligent & green buildings, to integrate the operational requirements for construction project management, and to establish the goal, process, and operational evaluation scope of pre-project planning. 3. To establish the evaluation system for Intelligent & Green Building project management, so that the expected project performance can be achieved by studying, simulating, and verifying with the system.


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