  • 學位論文

應用田口方法於發光二極體導線架 射出成型參數最佳化之研究

Application of Taguchi method in the light-emitting diode leadframe Injection molding parameters

指導教授 : 鄭銘章


在發光二極體導線架製作方式中,射出成型一直是很重要的製程之一。射出成型導線架製程中,控制參數的設定會對結合強度的強弱有顯著的影響。傳統上它係依靠有經驗的技術人員,利用試誤法來找出較佳的射出成型參數組合,但通常需要耗費大量的時間與金錢。因此本研究提出以不同演算法則,來探討射出成型製程參數組合的最佳化。 本研究的目的是運用田口方法分析統計應用於發光二極體導線架之最佳化射出成型參數研究,設定頂出速度、射出速度、螺桿轉速、熔膠溫度為控制因子,並以最小滲透性為品質目標。使用田口方法直交表排出L9(34) 9組射出成型實驗,再將實驗的結果以具多重品質特性之最適化的田口方法分析統計,找出最佳化射出成型參數,並進行確認實驗與比較。透過實驗計畫法得到最佳化射出參數為:頂出速度/行程12mm、射出速度80mm/s、螺桿位置/速度260RPM、熔膠溫度342℃。得到其影響射出參數品質之主要控制因子為(a)頂出速度、(b)射出速度、(c)熔膠溫度及(d)螺桿速度。本研究方法的確可有效減少水氣滲透之標準偏差,因此希望可取代目前相關業界常用的試誤法。


Among the production process of LED lead frame,the injection molding has been a very important one. The setup of control parameter will affect the bonding strength significantly. Traditionally,the better parameters of injection molding can be found with try-and-error by experienced technicians,but it often takes lots of time and money. Therefore we will formulate several different algorithms to optimize the parameters of injection molding process through this study. The purpose of this study is to use the Taguchi method to optimize the parameters of injection molding of LED lead frame. The top speed, injection speed,screw speed and melting temperature were be defined as control factors. Minimizing the penetration rate were be the main objective of quality. Nine different experiments of injection molding were be performed with the orthogonal array L9(34) of Taguchi method. The optimized parameters of injection molding will be found from the analyzed results of experiments mentioned above with the Taguchi method.


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