  • 學位論文


Post-Disaster Reconstruction Using Typical Assembled Houses after Earthquakes in Indonesia

指導教授 : 姚乃嘉


近百年來,地震在世界各地奪走難以估計的生命並造成巨大的財產損失。印尼全國各地幾乎每年都發生地震災害。儘管地震對區域經濟和社會環境之影響十分嚴重,但有關如何防止或減輕未來地震影響的工作,仍然鮮少在進行。 本研究旨在提出適合在印尼震災後,以組合屋重建之獨特設計。首先,本研究提出具有可行性且適合印尼當地居民的組合屋設計,並以三維立體方式進行展示。在組合屋的設計過程中,本研究以採用印尼當地的建材、人工與工藝,以及施工機具為研究重點,並以當地可接受的建造成本與適合的空間為主要之考量。其次,本研究採用Google SketchUp軟體繪製組合屋的三維模型,並以Google Earth在印尼的指定區域顯示。因此,當所需重建之組合屋數量決定後,本研究可在指定的重建區內以三維模型呈現重建後之成果,且可計算整體重建成本並同時進行施工上之排程,以利於重建之規劃。本研究的設計成果完全遵守印尼當地政府的相關規範與法規,可確保重建工程之品質與安全。本研究在設計過程中,亦同時優先考慮具永續發展特性之建築材料。 本研究之主要成果為一套適合印尼當地特性之組合屋設計,可透過三維環境加以呈現,並可推估以組合屋重建所需之建造成本與施工時間。本研究亦探討印尼在震災後以組合屋重建的執行過程中,可能遭遇之困難以及相關之議題,並進而提出因應之重建管理策略。


組合屋 災後重建 地震災害


Throughout the centuries earthquakes have taken a high toll of human lives and caused great property losses all over the world. In Indonesia, earthquake disasters occur in various parts of the country almost every year. Despite of such severe impacts on regional economy and social environment, little has been done to prepare, prevent, or mitigate the effects of future earthquakes. This study aims at proposing suitable typical design of assembled houses for post-disaster reconstruction after earthquakes in Indonesia. Firstly, typical assembled houses available and suitable for Indonesian people are designed in three dimensional (3D) formats in this research. Availability of building material, labor and workmanship, and necessary equipment in the local areas of Indonesia are focused and emphasized during the design process. Appropriate interior space with acceptable construction costs are carefully considered in the design. Secondly, these typical 3D houses are drawn by Google Sketchup and shown on a designated reconstruction area in Indonesia in Google Earth. Thus, after the number of units of the designed assembled houses is determined within the designated reconstruction area, the costs and schedule for the reconstruction can be calculated and planned. This study also observes the regulations and local ordinances applied in Indonesia to ensure the safety and quality of reconstruction. Building materials which support sustainable development are considered with priority. The results from this study are a set of preliminary designs of typical assembled houses, a computer system which displays results of the reconstruction in 3D environment, and a set of reconstruction plans with approximate cost estimations and rough schedules. Possible difficulties and relevant issues, along with their corresponding management strategies for such reconstruction using assembled houses in Indonesia, are also discussed in this research.


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