  • 學位論文


The size effect for ring upsetting forging

指導教授 : 葉維磬




尺寸效應 標準圓環 摩擦 鍛粗


In plastic deformation, ring upsetting is the most common approach to study friction factors. In the research of Kunogi[1], 6:3:2(outer diameter: inner diameter: height) is considered the most commonly used scale of ring. Rings with the scale mentioned above are called standard rings. In this paper, we use turning to produce ring specimens with the standard scale and in different sizes to conduct ring upsetting experiments. From the experimental result of ring specimens, this paper aims at studying whether the deformation that results from the difference of sizes of specimens result due to the size effects caused by changes in the friction factor for research focus.


size effect standard ring upsetting friction


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