  • 學位論文


the Rescue Measures of the Fire Department of the Local Government in the Case of Fire in High Speed Rail - A Case Study of Hsinchu County Government

指導教授 : 許文科 蔣偉寧


高鐵具備運能大、用地少、速度快、能源省等優勢,勢必成為國人主要的搭乘交通工具之一,但由於車站進出車站及搭乘列車的旅客量非常大,若發生行車事故或意外事件,諸如火災、列車出軌、碰撞、或有人為蓄意破壞、縱火、自殺等,均可能造成重大災害,導致人員傷亡及財物損失或對環境造成衝擊。 本研究以「高鐵火災搶救中地方政府消防局之因應對策-以新竹縣為例」為主題,係探討消防人員面對目前新興的高鐵火災時,如何熟悉並有效針對火災作出應有的搶救作為,將災害損失降至最低;研究方式透過研究者親自前往高鐵場站、隧道及緊急逃生出入口實地調查,以及每半年度配合高鐵人員實地會勘,並於會勘後前往轄區消防分隊進行深入訪談,藉此了解地方政府消防人員平時的訓練、救災以及支援單位互相配合情形,結合理論與實務狀況,期能在未來提供消防行政機關於制定法規、執行計畫、火災搶救演練及火災預防等措施參考,有效完成災害搶救任務與使命,達成保障人民生命與財產安全之目標。


火災搶救 高鐵


The High Speed Rail has the advantages of high capacity, limited land use, fast speed and energy saving so it will definitely become one of the major transportation tools used by people in Taiwan. However, since there is a great number of passengers entering/exiting train stations and taking the trains, any incident or accident occurring during operation, such as fire, derailment, collision, or man-caused sabotage, arson, suicide, etc., may lead to serious disasters. Such disasters will not only cause damages to people and properties, but also impact on the environment. The research topic is “the Rescue Measures of the Fire Department of the Local Government in the Case of Fire in High Speed Rail - A Case Study of Hsinchu County Government.” This research examines how fire fighters should familiarize themselves with and effectively undertake necessary rescue measures when confronted with fires occurring in the high speed rail in order to minimize the losses. This research is conducted through field surveys of researcher’s personal visits to High Speed Rail stations, workshops, tunnels and emergency exits together with field investigations jointly conducted by the researcher and the High Speed Rail staff every half year. In-depth interviews with the local fire stations are then followed to get better understanding of the local government fire fighters’ routine training, disaster rescue and coordination with supporting units. This research is intended to integrate both theories and practices which serve references for future formulation of legal requirements, implementation programs, rescue drills and fire prevention measures. By doing so, the disaster rescue task and mission can be effectively accomplished so as to achieve the goal of protecting people’s life and property safety.


The High Speed Rail fire rescue


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2. 「台灣高速鐵路整體防災應變計畫」,交通部高速鐵路工程局,頁4-2,民國97年8月。
3. 陳弘毅,消防戰術,初版,台北,鼎茂圖書出版股份有限公司,民國85年7月。
4. 鄧子正,「火場作業」之內涵及其相關影響因素探討,警學叢刊,29 卷4 期
5. 陳躍仁,「高層建築物火災」,中央警察大學,學士專題,民國92年6月。
