  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃良志教授


論文內容摘要: 經濟部中小企業處為能有效輔導中小企業經營成長,大力推動育成政策,在經過「量」的快速成長後,育成中心專業經理人輔導品質也逐漸受到重視,育成中心專業經理人主要角色除落實輔導外,更扮演重要傳遞產業資訊之有效管道,因此,育成中心專業經理人應具備之職能成為重要課題,本研究旨在瞭解育成中心專業經理人所應具備之職能要求,以職能理論為基礎進行研究,蒐集專家學者意見,分別應用模糊德菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method)及分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP),建構育成中心專業經理人職能,再依此模式進行實証研究分析,以評選出最適任之育成中心專業經理人職能。本研究所達成之成果如下: 一、確立育成中心專業經理人之關鍵職能項目及定義,分別為責任感、人際關係、邏輯思考能力、溝通協調能力、專業領域知識、策略分析能力及專案管理能力等7項,並藉以建立職能評選指標層級架構。 二、在考量各職能準則間的相依關係下,本研究運用分析網路程序法以系統化分析及量化判斷,以確立職能評選指標之權重,建構一套具有權重標準之育成中心專業經理人關鍵職能。 三、經實證蒐集專家意見並運用分析網路程序法進行分析後,得到各項職能權重,由最高至低,依序為「責任感」為0.230、「人際關係」為0.155、「邏輯思考能力」為0.146、「溝通協調能力」為0.124、「專業領域知識」為0.123、「策略分析能力」為0.113及「專案管理能力」為0.108。


Abstract In order to effectively consult the operation and growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as well as promote incubation policies, the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration (SMEA), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), after the rapid growth process in “quantity,” has put an emphasis on the consultation quality of professional managers in incubation centers. In addition to the consultation, professional managers serve as an effective channel to convey industrial information. Thus, the competence of professional managers in incubation centers has become an important issue. This study aims to understand the competence requirement of professional managers in incubation centers. Based on the basis of competence theory, this study collects expert opinions and adopts the fuzzy Delphi method and analytic network process (ANP) to decide on the competencies suitable for professional managers in the incubation centers. The results achieved by this study are listed below: 1.Develop items and definition of seven key competencies of professional managers in incubation centers: sense of responsibility, interpersonal relationship, logical thinking ability, communication and negotiation ability, professional knowledge level, strategic analysis ability, and project management ability for the structural building of competence evaluation criteria. 2.In consideration of the interdependence of each competence criterion, this study utilizes analytic network process (ANP) to conduct a systematic analysis and quantification judgment to identify the weight of competence evaluation criterion as well as to develop a set of key competencies of professional managers in innovation centers included with a weight standard. 3.After collecting expert opinions and utilizing the analytic network process for analysis, this study acquires a competence weight ranking from the highest to lowest for “sense of responsibility,” 0.230, “interpersonal relationship,” 0.155, “logical thinking ability,” 0.146, “communication and negotiation ability,” 0.124, “professional knowledge level,” 0.123, “strategic analysis ability,” 0.113, and “project management ability,” 0.108.


