  • 學位論文


A Study on the Labor Dispute and it’s Settlement of Munitions Industry in Taiwan, R.O.C.— a case study on the dispute for yearly evaluation bonus in Chung-shan Institute of Science and Technology in 2004

指導教授 : 許繼峰


軍事機關勞資爭議案的研究,在學術上並不多見,主要是軍事體制的封閉性與機密性對外隔離所造成。面對軍事體制的控制,軍火工業勞工勞動人權受到壓抑,一旦面臨勞資爭議案時,這些軍火工業勞工在勞動三法的限制下,如何行使爭議行為維護自身的勞動權益,對於開展軍火工業勞資關係具指標性意義。   中山科學研究院經行政院勞工委員會指定於1998年7月1日適用「勞動基準法」,在適法前,取消科技聘用身分勞工考成獎金,引發高達2,841人及爭議金額超過新台幣二億元的勞資爭議,爭議過程中經由民意代表協助及勞資雙方各讓一步的妥協方案下,劃下完美的句點。 本研究係針對中山科學研究院考成獎金爭議案之個案研究,探究整個爭議案之始末及勞資雙方最後如何達成雙贏的結局;其次探討民意代表參與勞資爭議的角色與功能,以及軍火工業勞工所面臨的制度性問題。研究方法係透過文獻、爭議案過程研究、深度訪談、蒐集現有資料,歸納出六個重要研究結論: 一、命令模式的軍事化管理,在遇到勞資爭議衝突中,常常引起對立,透過協商對話才是化解勞資衝突最有效的方法,一旦勞資展現協商對話誠意,衝突自然就容易化解。 二、公部門中雇主定義不明確,勞資協商的結果須雇主的上級機關同意方生效力,不利於團體協約的締結,亦對勞資爭議調解形成障礙。 三、資訊發達下,對於沒有工會組織的勞工,勞工可以透過電子資訊溝通意見凝聚共識,有利於團結權運作。 四、民意代表參與爭議協商,憑藉其社會地位與溝通技巧,提供勞資雙方各讓一步的空間,有助於妥協方案達成。 五、沒有工會組織的勞工,一旦面臨爭議行為時欠缺法律的保障,處於相對的劣勢,「領頭羊」亦容易變成雇主打壓的對象。 六、軍火工業勞工雖受僱於公部門但卻無公法之適用,勞動法亦因其屬軍火工業而做選擇性適用,造成軍火工業勞工勞動權益欠缺法律保障。


The academic research on the case of labor disputes in military institutions is rare, mainly because of the closed, authoritative and isolated situation of military systems. Under the military systems’ control, the munitions industry laborers’ human rights are suppressed. In the cases of labor disputes, under the restrictions of the three labor laws, how the laborers can have the protest action to protect their working rights is significant to the employer-employee relations in munitions industry.   Being appointed by the Council of Labor Affairs on July 1, 1998, the Labor Standards Act is applicable to the works in the Chung-shan Institute of Science and Technology. Before implementing the legal provision, the exam bonus of the technology works was canceled, which caused the dispute 2,841 people and the amount was over NT $ 200 million. The dispute had a successful ending, through the assist of the representatives of the people and the compromises between the employers and the employees.   This research is a study on the case of exam bonus dispute in Chung-shan Institute of Science and Technology, a research from the beginning of the dispute to a successful ending for both employers and employees. It is also a study on the role and function that the representatives of the people played in the cases of labor dispute, and the problems of system that the munitions industry labors faced. The research methods are literature search, case studies, deep interviews and data research, which concluded the following six points: 1. The militarized management in authoritative style usually leads to conflicts in labor disputes. To talk over the problem is the most effective way to solve the conflict. With the sincere employer-employee dialogue, there would easily be no conflict. 2. The definition of the employer is not clear in the official departments. The results of the labor consultation need the consent of the employer's higher authorities in order to take effect on, which is not conducive to conclude a collective agreement. It is an obstacle to the labor dispute mediation. 3. With the convenient information, the workers without labor union can cohesion their common consensus through the electronic technology. This is conducive to the operation of solidarity rights. 4. Taking parts in the dispute negotiation, the representatives of the people contribute to the compromise between the employers and the employees, with their social status and communication skills, which provide the space to understand each other. 5. The labors who do not take part in any union or organization will be in inferiority, lacking of the legal protection in the protest action. The "Leader" will also easily become the target suppressed by the employer. 6. No public law is applicable to the munitions industry labors employed in the public sectors; only part of labor laws fit for them. It makes them lack legal protection for their working rights.




