  • 學位論文


The Study for Factors Related to Settlement and Recovery Rates Of Labor Disputes Conciliated by Non-governmental Intermediate Organizations

指導教授 : 簡建忠


勞資爭議通常系因勞資之一方,對於政府既有之勞動法令認知錯誤,或是應有之法 定權利無法順利獲得而生爭執。由於資方握有經濟上的控制支配權,因此勞資爭議提出 申訴者絕大多數來自勞方,期待政府發揮公權力,促使相關權益紛爭能夠得到快速而有 效的解決。然而此類爭議畢竟是屬於勞資間彼此之權利義務上的私權紛爭,政府為避免 球員兼裁判的角色,透過行政委託方式,將勞資爭議案件交由民間中介團體代為處理, 以「論件計酬」方式給予經費補助,並以「和解成功率」作為績效考核補助之標準。本 研究以此模式為基礎,探究勞資爭議「和解成功率」與「實際獲償率」相關之因素。 本研究以桃園縣政府所委託處理勞資爭議的五個民間中介團體,自2010 年7 月1 日起至2011 年6 月30 日為止,以同案之勞方、資方及協調員,當場同時進行三方人員 之問卷調查,回收有效問卷各666 份。經統計分析之後獲得以下重要發現: 一、有關資遣費、預告工資、加班費差額等爭議項目,和解成功率與獲償率為負相關, 即和解成功率越高,其獲償率反而越低;其他爭議項目則較無明顯之負相關。 二、勞資爭議同意達成和解的因素,勞方主要是對協調員態度感受及遊說之努力程度, 而資方則是取決於出席者授權身分及協調員遊說之努力程度。 三、勞資爭議協調案件不論達成和解之獲償結果高低,勞資雙方認為協調員處理爭議的 態度,是「公正的」。 四、當勞資爭議之金額(標的)偏低,無訴訟實益時,勞資雙方較為願意達成和解。


Labor disputes are usually caused by either workers or employers who misunderstand current labor laws or the statutory rights. For most of the employers enjoy economic and managerial advantages, the disputes are usually claimed by workers. The claimers expect government administrative authority can settle disputes quickly and efficiently. However, these disputes are perceived as civil arguments. To avoid from the criticism of ambiguous, the government delegates worker-employer disputes to non-governmental intermediate organizations and offers subsidies in exchange for efforts in conciliation. The purposes of this research are to explore factors related to settlement and recovery rates of worker-employer disputes conciliated by non-governmental intermediate organizations. Five non-governmental intermediate organizations, in Tao-yuan County, participate in this research. Questionnaires are applied to collect data from worker, employer and conciliator for each from July 2010 to June 2011. Totally, 1,998 questionnaires are collected from 666 cases. Based on the statistical analyses from data collected, the author finds the following results: 1. For cases of severance pay, pre-claim salary and over-time pay, negative relationships are found between settlement rates and recovery rates. 2. Workers tend to settle the disputes if they perceive conciliator’s efforts and favorable attitudes toward workers. On the other hand, disputes are likely to be settled if employer participate in person, delegates enjoy full supports from employer or great efforts from conciliator. 3. Conciliators are perceived fair by the workers and employers no matter how the recovery rates are. 4. As lower the monetary value involved in the disputes, the higher the settlement rates.


例〉,中華民國公共行政學會,《中國行政評論》,第12 卷2 期,頁21-54。
13 期,頁40-47。
