  • 學位論文


Building a self-service system for ICU patients’ families-A Case of Medical Center in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 張怡秋


加護病房是整體醫療過程中投注最多資源的一環,身處其中的病人雖經歷的是生死的難關,但被隔離在外的家屬,內心同樣承受著莫大的壓力,甚至有滿腹的疑問與無助,但現今國內醫療體系因人力及經費的限制,並無法滿足其所需的服務與協助。 近年來,由於科技的演進及網際網路的盛行,許多產業為減少人工成本及提昇服務效率開始採用新技術因應,其中自助服務科技(Self-Service Technology: SST)則為科技的廣泛運用,且在生活周遭隨處可見,如自動提款機(ATM)、自動售票系統、電話語音查詢、網路掛號、遠距教學…等,因其具有節省公司成本、增加顧客滿意度等優勢,已被廣泛運用在服務業、旅遊、金融、零售甚至於醫療等產業。 本研究藉由探討加護病房家屬的資訊需求結合資訊科技的應用 ,建置一套加護病房家屬自助服務系統,提供家屬在病房外漫長的等候時間,可以自行尋求問題的解答,其內容共分為加護病房相關資訊、病人相關資料查詢、病人照顧相關資訊、醫療衛教相關資訊、臨終關懷、諮詢相關資訊、常見Q&A、生活相關資訊以及我有話要說九大服務選項,期望能夠解決家屬的資訊需求,更能間接減少醫院及醫療人員的負擔。 系統建置後經問卷調查加護病房家屬使用現況得知,系統大部份內容對家屬而言是重要的且能夠滿足其需求,甚至有90%以上的家屬表示未來若有此系統一定會使用。 期許經由此系統的建置,能夠滿足加護病房家屬的資訊需求,提供更客製化的服務,同時減少醫療人員重覆解說的時間,進而提升醫療品質。並實際運用資訊科技於臨床,提供後續學術更深入研究之用,也藉此系統開發之經驗,做為業界建置相關系統之參考,為本研究最終貢獻之所在。


In the whole medical process, intensive care unit(ICU) is the place that requires the most resources. When patients who are experiencing life threatening issues, their families, isolated outside of the ward, are stressful and helpless. In addition, with the limited budget and human resources, Taiwan’s health care system cannot satisfy and provide for families’ needs. Recently with advanced technology and internet, many industries began using new technology to reduce labor costs and improve service efficiency. Self-Service Technology(SST), one of the new technology, is in every corner of our environment such as ATM、automatic ticker seller、telephone inquiry、online registration、distance learning etc. Moreover, because SST can reduce companies’ financial costs and increase customers’ satisfaction, it has been widely adopted in numerous industries, includes tourism, finance, retailing and even medical and other industries. what did the study combine the information technology with in order to find the needs of ICU families?. Furthermore, the study set up a self-service system that provides answers for families living outside of the ward. The content contains nine service options: access to the information of the ICU, ability to inquire about patient’s data, and patient care information, access to health education information, provide hospice care, and consulting service, Q&A and voicemail. The self-service not only provides sufficient amount of information ICU families, but also decrease ICU families’ burden of medical personnel. After the system’s implementation, the questionnaires were used to inquire about ICU families’ usage. Most of the contents in the system are important to the families since the contents can meet their needs. In addition, the result from the questionnaires indicated that more than 90 % of the families said they will use the system in the future. With the system, ICU families can be provide with a more customized information source. Benefits of the system includes, reduced time of repeated instructions from the medical staff, and enhanced quality of medical care. With this experiment, the study will propose suggestions and guidelines for industries allowing them for latter development and research.


