  • 學位論文


A Study on the Factors Affecting Augmented Reality Adoption Based on Diffusion of Innovation Theory-A Case Study of Apparel Circulation Industry

指導教授 : 黃士銘


擴增實鏡為近年來創新技術的革新,可將供應鏈上各企業之間更加緊密的結合,使得企業在管理上能更有效率,並提供更即時、更正確的資訊,但是該技術之概念新,對此技術的採用,供應鏈上的企業有著多重考量,目前對此之相關研究文獻不多,因此,企業對此技術引進到供應鏈上有著多重考量,缺乏一致性的看法。 本研究以Rogers的創新擴散理論為基礎,探討企業在決定採用線上試衣間系統時的考量,主要會受到哪些因素的影響,參考國內外相關文獻,以「線上試衣間系統的特性」、「組織的特性」、「組織決策者的特性」與「供應鏈的特性」四大構面提出研究架構,並藉由系統的配合進行評估分析,後於紡織研討會進行問卷的發放,分析結果顯示,「相對優勢」、「相容性」、「複雜性」、「成本」、「規模大小」、「資訊科技需求的強度」、「對創新的態度」、「對線上試衣間系統的態度」、「具備的資訊科技知識」、「物流管理」、「產能彈性」以及「與合作夥伴的信任度」等十二個因素會顯著的影響線上試衣間系統的採用,提供企業在採用線上試衣間系統時可以進行評估,提升企業採用的效益。 分析結果中,「可試驗性」、「可觀察性」、「閒置資源」、「存貨成本」、「產能彈性」並不會影響線上試衣間系統採用,進一步發現服飾業者之間認為較重要的因素仍偏向於傳統的想法,像是彼此之間的資訊透明度、信任度等,也代表著資訊科技的歷史趨勢正在改變。企業普遍認為減少本身的風險比追求創新的科技更重要,也就是以守代攻彷彿是近年來時代的趨勢,企業也逐漸對資訊科技採取較保守的態度,代表著時代在轉換。


Augmented Reality is an innovative technology in recent years, it makes close together between enterprises in the supply chain, and makes the enterprises more efficient management, to provides a more immediate and more accurate information, but the technology is a new concept, enterprises have multiple considerations on this technology, and a few literatures about relevant research. Therefore, this technology adopted in the supply chain has multiple considerations, and the lack of consistency of views. This study is to discuss critical factors of fitting room system adoption based on Diffusion of Innovation Theory by Rogers. Therefore, the four dimensions of characteristics of fitting room, organizational, organizational decision makers and supply chain are the bases to research, and develop a prototype system. We issued questionnaires in the activities of seminar. The analysis results indicate that relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, costs, size, information intensity, attitude toward innovation, attitude toward fitting room system, knowledge of information technology, logistics management, capacity flexible, and partner trust are the critical factors. In the analysis results, the trialability, observability, idle resources, inventory costs and capacity flexible will not affect the fitting room system. The fashion industry is considered to be more important factors in favor of the traditional ideas, such as information transparency and trust, and also represents the historical trend of information technology is changing.


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