  • 學位論文


NHI database to explore the use of prophylactic antibiotics clean surgical evaluation

指導教授 : 張怡秋 胡雅涵


手術部位感染(Surgical Site Infections, SSIs) 是常見的院內感染,在院內感染的分類排行榜常名列第二或第三位。手術部位感染會增加住院天數、增加住院再返的發生率、影響醫療品質、健康照護成本的增加、增加術後抗生素的使用造成抗藥性的產生及醫療資源額外的支出,同時也會增加病人住加護病房時間及死亡率。 清淨手術預防性抗生素雖已有建議使用準則,大量醫學文獻也支持手術前適當使用預防性抗生素可以降低手術後傷口感染率,但是患者本身因素及疾病也是影響預防性抗生素使用成效因素之一,進而造成增加術後傷口感染的機率,對於病人安全造成極大的威脅。 實驗結果發現病患本身年齡、性別及心臟疾病、糖尿病、慢性肝炎及肝硬化、高血壓、腎臟病變等潛在慢性疾病對於術前預防性抗生素使用成效是有所影響的。在實驗分析中發現除相關文獻中所提到糖尿病會增加術後傷口感染機率外,腎臟病變也是重要因子之一,同時患有兩種或兩種以上慢性疾病者,在術後傷口感染上也會有較高感染率。


Surgical site infection (Surgical Site Infections, SSIs) are common nosocomial infections, nosocomial infections in the classification chart often ranked second or third. Surgical site infection increases length of stay, increased incidence of hospitalization and then return, health care costs increase, affecting quality of care, increased postoperative antibiotic resistance caused by the use of medical resources and the generation of additional costs, but also increase the patient to live time and ICU mortality. Although there have been clean surgical antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended guidelines, a lot of medical literature also supports the appropriate use of prophylactic antibiotics before surgery can reduce the incidence of wound infection after surgery, but patients themselves factors and diseases also affect the effectiveness of prophylactic antibiotic use one of the factors, and thus resulting in increased probability of postoperative wound infection, for causing great threat to patient safety. Experimental analysis in this study patients themselves mentioned age, gender and heart disease, diabetes, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, hypertension, kidney disease and other chronic diseases, the potential for the effectiveness of preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis is somewhat affected, in the experimental analysis found that in addition to the literature mentioned diabetes may increase postoperative wound infection rates, but also an important factor for kidney disease. While suffering from two or more chronic diseases, postoperative wound infection will also have a higher rate of infection.


張上淳、陳宜君、賴美淑、 張鴻仁(民95)。台灣住院病人 2000-2004 抗生素使用之情形。感染控制雜誌,16(4),205-218。
張峰義、黃政華(民94)。外科手術預防性抗生素之合理使用: 理論與實務。感染控制雜誌,15(6),390-395。
