  • 學位論文


The Influence of the Transformational Leadership on Employee’s Proactive Behaviors: Taking Organizational Justice and Incentives as the Moderators

指導教授 : 黃良志


當組織持續擴張時,多元化管理也隨之增加,公司要如何有效管理並提高績效已成為重要的一環,為了能在多元挑戰與競爭激烈的產業中創造出競爭力,公司的政策及員工配合是必勝的關鍵因素,若員工能主動為組織付出,更可以提高組織管理績效。公司為了達到管理績效,必須藉由一個優秀的領導者負責組織的成敗,當目標未達成時,領導者會列為主要檢討之對象,可見領導者之重要性。因此,如何利用轉換型領導引發員工的自發性主動行為,來增進組織整體績效,是目前重要研究議題。 本研究在瞭解主管的轉換型領導對員工主動行為之表現,透過組織公平及激勵措施為調節變項,進一步探討組織公平和激勵措施在轉換型領導與員工主動性行為的調節效果。本研究針對企業之320位員工為發放問卷對象。發放日期自102年3月至102年5月中旬,歷時約二個半月,共回收275份。有效問卷261份,由SPSS及LISERL等統計軟體分析後,本研究就得出以下研究結果: 一、轉換型領導對員工主動性行為具有正向顯著影響。 二、組織公平對轉換型領導與員工主動性行為不具有調節效果。 三、激勵措施對轉換型領導與員工主動性行為具有正向調節效果。 依據研究結果,提出具體研究結論與建議供企業經營管理與後續研究之參考。 關鍵詞:轉換型領導、主動性行為、組織公平、激勵措施


Diverse management arises with the expansion of organization. It’s crucial for the organizations to manage effectively and improve the performance. To create competitiveness in the industry full of diverse challenges and intense competitions, the key factors are organization’s policies and employee’s cooperation. The proactive contribution of the employees can even improve the management performance of the organizations. Aiming to achieve the management performance, organization should rely on an excellent leader who can determine the success of the organization. When the aim fails, the leader will be accountable first, which shows the importance of the leader. Thus, the important subject currently is how to improve the overall performance of the organization by transformational leadership that motivates employee’s spontaneous proactive behaviors.   The study explores the performance of the managers’ transformational leadership impacted on employee’s proactive behaviors. Taking the organizational justice and incentives as the moderators, they further discuss the moderating effects of the two variables between transformational leadership and employee’s proactive behaviors. Questionnaires were sent to 320 employees of organizations from March to the middle of May, 2013. During the two and a half months, 275 questionnaires were collected and 261 were valid. After analysis by statistical softwares such as SPSS and LISERL, the study concludes the following findings. 1. Transformational leadership has significantly positive impact on employee’s proactive behaviors. 2. Organizational justice has no moderating effect on transformational leadership and employee’s proactive behaviors. 3. Incentives have positive moderating effect on both transformational leadership and employee’s proactive behaviors. Based on the research results, the concrete conclusions and suggestions will provide for business management and further study as the reference. Keywords: Transformational leadership, Proactive behavior, Organizational justice, Incentives


