  • 學位論文


On the Relationship between Soveriegnty and Human Rights: the Cases of Libya and Syria

指導教授 : 李俊毅


Stephen Krasner認為主權是個複雜且多義的概念,而任何賦予它特定意涵的嘗試,都將忽略此一概念的多元性。本文探討國家主權的概念在不同時代、不同歷史條件、不同國家利益的要求下,會有不同的內容和表述形式,並以兩個國家:利比亞及敘利亞作為案例比較。本文第二章談論主權與人權的關係,分別談論主權的概念歷史與發展、人權與人道干預的發展及國家保護責任的概念與實踐。第三章個案研究的國家為利比亞,第四章的個案為敘利亞。第三及第四章的第一節先說明兩國革命爆發的背景,接著於第二節表態國際主要行為者的態度,第三節探討主權與人權在國際實踐下的權衡關係,觀察國際社會對於主權的實踐,特別是國家「言說」與「實踐」的落差,或是「理想」與「現實」之間事實上是否存在著差距?透過在國際社會逐漸被廣泛接受的人道干預的精神及國家保護責任的概念來看主權與人權間的相互關係,而國際主要行為者又如何權衡兩者。


Stephen Krasner suggests that sovereignty is a complex and ambiguous concept, and any attempt to give it a specific meaning will ignore the richness of this concept. The thesis explores the content and meanings of state sovereignty in different times, historical contexts, and concerns of national interests, with Libya and Syria as two contrasting cases. The thesis first discusses the relationship between sovererignty and human rights. It suggests that the conceptual history of state sovereignty is one in which various ideas of human rights such as “humanitarian intervention” and “the responsibility to protect” (R2P) have come to play a more important role. In practice, however, there may be a gap between “what is said” and “what is done,” or ideal and reality. The cases of Libya and Syria represent such a gap to a certain degree. In both cases, there were serious issues of human rights violation, and the ideas of human rights, humanitarian intervention and R2P have been frequently invoked by the international community. Yet, when it came to the decision of military intervention, the important international actors involved did not act in accordance, suggesting that the idea/ideal of human rights had to be weighed against their calculation of national interests. As such, the idea that state sovereignty now has to be constrained by the concern of human rights remains largely an “organized hypocrisy,” as Krasner suggests.


Reinicke , Wolfgang H., Global Public Policy: Governing Without Government? (Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1998).
Nye, Jr. Joseph, Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and History (Harlow: Pearson Longman, 1997).
