  • 學位論文


Insider and Outsider-The New Inequality in different welfare regimes

指導教授 : 呂建德


過去的十幾年間,西方的勞動市場已經有了深遠的轉變,幾乎所有國家都有勞動力分化的情形,當圈外人人口比例增長的同時,也會間接造成社會、經濟、政治機會取得上的困境,因此貧窮、不平等和社會排除的現象重返了西方先進國家的政治議程,形成了勞動市場雙元化的現象。 本研究目的在於檢視不同體制的勞動市場分化情形,並探討制度因素對勞動市場分化的影響效果。以Häusermann & Schwander(2012)使用的圈內人/圈外人新的概念化和測量方式,透過集中具有相似職業輪廓而形成的社會結構團體,而非過去以個人在一個特殊時間點的勞動市場狀態來區分階級,以發掘在後工業化時期下,不同體制中的不同風險群體在勞動市場上的雙元化現象。因此本文以Esping-Andersen(1990)提出的三個福利體制的類型,再加入南歐及東亞模式,比較五個福利體制類型下呈現的雙元化圖像,並探討在社會、經濟、政治的制度脈絡下,對不同福利體制會造成何種程度的勞動市場分化,以及分化的程度為何,開啟了自由、歐陸、北歐、南歐及東亞體制之間的對話。本研究運用ISSP 2005和2006年的資料庫,經過比較分析後的結果發現,自由體制國家的圈外人的比例是所有體制中最高,而且多半為低技術者,僅次於南歐國家,在受訓機會及工會參與都有顯著的差異;北歐的勞動市場分化遍佈且更偏向於女性,但在其他制度上較不明顯,意即圈外人在北歐的勞動市場中不易受到懲罰;歐陸國家則呈現出高度性別化的勞動市場,在收入差距及受訓機會上差異很大;南歐體制國家在某些變項上(例如性別、所得)的雙元化程度看似比其他國家低,但較低的社會不平等卻反映了圈內人面臨了惡劣的工作環境與條件;東亞國家在性別上亦具有高度分化,總所得差距也非常大,青年的世代差異問題嚴重,但在政治整合上並未呈現明顯的雙元化。最後,針對東亞三國─日本、韓國、台灣在各個制度變項上的不平等進行探討。


Over the past decades, the structure of labor markets in the Western countries have changed profoundly. Almost all countries have the situation of labor segmentation. When the outsider’s population proportion growth, it may lead to the welfare losses, and a lack of social and political integration. Poverty, inequality, and social exclusion are back on the political agenda, shaping a dual labor market. This study aimed to view the labor market divide in different regimes and explore the effect on the institutional factors to the labor market divide. In Häusermann and Schwander’ s study use the new conceptualization and measurement by the class scheme based on occupational profile while people in similar professions tend to have similar employment biographies, but not use the current labor status as a conceptual basis of outsiderness. Then we can explore the different risk groups in the dual labor market in different regimes. Therefore, this study will use three welfare regime types from Esping-Andersen, then add Southern and East Asia model. We will compare to these five welfare regimes and discuss what the extent to which labor market segmentation leads to economic, social and political insider-outsider divides under the different regimes. Finally, we could open the dialogue between Liberal, Continental, Nordic, Southern and East Asia. After comparative analyze, the results show that there is the highest proportion of outsider in Liberal regime, and most of them are low-skilled persons, secondly only to the southern countries. It also has significant differences in the training opportunity and in union participation. In Nordic countries, labor market segmentation is less between insider and outsider representation but more strongly biased toward women; Continental European countries showing a highly gendered labor market, income gap and training opportunities vary greatly; The labor market in Southern regime is less dualized than other regimes in some variable(such as gender, gross income). However, the lower levels of inequality simply reflect the poor job conditions even for insiders. East Asia countries also have highly segmentation in gender. And it has wide gross income gap and generation segmentation. But there is no obvious dualization in political integration. Finally, we will discuss about the inequality in various institutions in East Asia countries, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.


林宗弘(2012)。〈台灣的後工業化: 階級結構的轉型與社會不平等,1992-2007(期刊論文修訂重刊)〉,謝雨生、傅仰止編,《社會階層與勞動市場》,頁1-61,台北市:中央研究院社會學研究所。
