  • 學位論文


The Research of Residential Retirees' Learning Experience

指導教授 : 李雅慧


一個人退休之後往往伴隨著社會地位與工作角色的喪失,因而面臨生活適應上的問題,退休者若能進行學習活動有助於解決人口老化的衝擊。二十一世紀是一個科技高度發展的世紀,學習不再侷限於正規的教育體系,對不喜歡出門參與機構式學習的退休居家者而言,以學習者為中心的非正式學習是一種相當便利而且不會產生參與障礙的學習方式。基於上述理由,本研究採用質性研究方法,並透過半結構式的深度訪談,探究7位身心健康的退休居家者的非正式學習經驗以及他們未參與機構舉辦之學習活動的原因。本研究的目的如下: 一、探討退休居家者的學習內容與學習方式。 二、探討促使退休居家者進行學習的理由。 三、探討進行學習活動對退休居家者的幫助。 四、探討退休居家者未參與機構所舉辦之學習活動的因素。 五、研究結果提供給政府、高齡教育提供機構、退休者、準備退休者以及未來 研究做參考。 本研究透過半結構式的深度訪談蒐集資料,以及訪談後的資料整理分析結果,獲得以下十二點結論: 一、退休居家者喜歡進行非正式學習。 二、退休居家者的學習內容包括健康保健、財經、園藝、家務管理等四類。 三、保健身體以及解決生活中問題是促使退休者居家者進行學習重要理由。 四、退休居家者進行學習的方式相當多元。 五、退休居家者主要透過請教他人以及嘗試錯誤的方式來進行學習活動。 六、進行學習活動促使退休居家者身體更健康、生活更有樂趣。 七、進行學習活動協助退休居家者與社會有連結、經濟安全有保障。 八、進行學習活動協助退休居家者解決生活問題、獲得心靈平靜。 九、喜歡獨自行動、不喜歡人群是造成退休居家者不參與機構學習的主要因素。 十、認為學習沒有幫助、質疑講師專業素養導致退休居家者不參與機構學習。 十一、有趣實用的課程且不影響生活作息才會考慮參與機構舉辦的學習活動。 十二、部分退休居家者滿意自我學習,認為不必外出參與機構舉辦的學習活動。 研究者依據研究結論,分別對政府、高齡教育提供機構、退休者、準備退休者提出以下建議: 一、對政府之建議:設置退休者服務網;提供學習送到家服務;提升高齡教育 人員專業素養。 二、對高齡教育提供機構之建議:辦理學習體驗活動;進行學習需求評估、多 元的上課方式;邀請具有專業素養的退休者擔任講師。 三、對退休者之建議:面臨生活問題主動尋求諮詢服務;整體性的學習規劃;與家人、親友一起參與學習。 四、對準備退休者的建議:培養工作以外的興趣及技能並養成學習參與的習 慣;結交興趣相同的朋友一起參與學習活動;退休前做好學習規劃。 關鍵字:退休居家者、非正式學習、高齡學習、學習參與障礙


When an individual retires, he or she faces losing status in workplace and society, which is often difficult to adjust. However, it is believed that taking learning activities can smooth the impact of retirement. 21st century is a time where technology is high developed; therefore, learning processes are no longer strict in the formal education system anymore. For retirees who do not like to participate in the institution-based learning process, the informal learning process that focuses on the learners becomes easy for them to access. Due to above reasons, this study consists qualitative research and semi-structured interview with seven residential retirees about their learning experiences and the reasons that they do not participate in the study program provided by institutions. The purposes of this research are: 1. To probe into residential retirees’ study contents and study methods. 2. To probe the reasons why residential retirees participate in learning activities. 3. To probe into how study activities benefit residential retirees. 4. To probe into the reason residential retirees do not participate in institutions’ study activities. 5. The conclusions of the research will be provided to the government, institutions for elder education, retirees, and people who are near retiring, also as the reference for future studies. After conducting a semi-structured interview, gathering and analyzing data, twelve conclusions are provided: 1. Residential retirees like to conduct informal studying. 2. Residential retirees’ study contents include health, finance, gardening, and housekeeping. 3. Residential retirees study to improve their health and to solve issues they face in daily lives. 4. Residential retirees’ study methods are diversified. 5. Residential retirees’ study methods are mainly asking others and correcting mistakes. 6. Residential retirees benefit from studying in improving health and adding enjoyments in life. 7. Studying activities enable residential retirees to connect with the society and to secure their finances. 8. Performing studying activities helps residential retirees to solve daily life issues and to find peace of mind. 9. Residential retirees do not participate in institutions’ study activities due to personality. 10. Residential retirees do not participate in institutions because they think the learning is not helping and doubt the instructors’ professionalism. 11. Residential retirees will consider of participating in an institution’s learning activities only the lessons are fun and functional, and will not interrupt their daily timetables. 12. Some residential retirees are satisfied with their self-learning process, and believe participating in the institution learning is not necessary. Base on the conclusions of the research, recommendations are given to the government, institutions for elder education, retirees, and people who are near retirement. 1. Recommendations to the government: set up a service network for retirees, provide home studying services, improve and certify instructors for elder education. 2. Recommendations to organizations for elder learning: set up activities for participates to experience the learning process, assess their needs of studying, design more teaching methods, and invite retirees who have professional knowledge to be instructors. 3. Recommendations to retirees: take the initiative in finding advices of retirement life, plan out the studying plan, find studying partners such as family members, or friends. 4. Recommendations to people near retiring: have habits besides working, participate in learning activities regularly before retiring, make friends who share same habits for future studying, make a learning plan before retiring. Keyword: residential retirees, informal learning process, older adult learning, older adult learning obst


