  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Judges' Compliments and Criticisms in Singing Contest Shows in Mainland China and Taiwan

指導教授 : 何德華


本篇文章旨在探討中國大陸 (中國好聲音) 與台灣 (華人星光大道) 歌唱比賽節目評審給予參賽者評語(含稱讚與批評)之方式。本文從人際溝通與社會互動角度將語料做言談分析,探討 (1) 評審如何給參賽者評語 (2) 參賽者如何回應評語 (3) 中國大陸與台灣評審給評語之相異處。 首先,研究顯示評審給予參賽者評語的方式可歸納為以下六種:先稱讚後批評、直接稱讚、直接批評、間接批評、先批評後稱讚,以及其他。 此外,面對評審的稱讚與批評,參賽者最常使用的三種回應是向評審道謝、點頭,或沉默。又面對稱讚時,有些參賽者會微笑以對或向評審鞠躬;面對批評時,有的參賽者則會面露尷尬或贊同評審的意見。 最後,中國大陸評審傾向給予參賽者鼓勵,台灣評審則較常給予參賽者直接的批評。又中國大陸評審較直接表達情緒,台灣評審通常較少直接顯露情感並給予參賽者抽象的評語。 本文將歌唱比賽節目視為一言談情境,而在「給予評語」這樣的言語活動中,評審的稱讚與批評都被視為言語行為。本文將以不同文化間溝通之角度來解釋中國大陸與台灣之間的語用差異。


This study compared how the judges in singing contest shows gave comments (including compliments and criticisms) to the contestants in “The Voice of China” (中國好聲音) in Mainland China and “Million Star” (華人星光大道) in Taiwan. A discourse analysis based on the theoretical frameworks of ethnography of communication and interactive sociolinguistics was adopted to analyze selected episodes of the two shows to investigate (1) how the judges gave the contestants comments, (2) how the contestants responded to the judges’ comments, and (3) the differences between comments made by judges in Mainland China and Taiwan. First, there were six patterns of comments that judges gave to the contestants: compliment followed by criticism, direct compliment, direct criticism, indirect criticism, criticism followed by compliment, and others. Besides, when receiving compliments and criticisms, saying “thank you,” nodding head, and keeping silent were three common response strategies adopted by contestants. Contestants also just laughed or took a bow to respond to judges’ compliments. When facing criticisms, making consents or showing embarrassment were the strategies adopted. Finally, it was found that most of the judges in “The Voice of China” tended to give contestants encouragement, whereas the judges in “Million Star” gave direct criticisms more often. Also, the judges in Mainland China preferred to explicitly express their emotion, whereas judges in Taiwan tended to give rational comments and implicit criticisms. This study regards singing contest shows as a speech situation. In the speech event of making comments, both the judges’ compliments and criticisms were examined as speech acts. Pragmatic differences between Mainland China and Taiwan will be explained and interpreted from the perspective of intercultural communication.


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