  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 徐千偉


政府制定公共政策之目的乃是解決公共問題、滿足公眾需求,而治水方案便是為了改善日益嚴重的淹水問題,保護人民生命財產之安全,民眾理應是樂見其成的。但是,不論是行政院所通過的「易淹水地區水患治理計畫」,還是經濟部針對地層下陷地區所提的「振興經濟擴大公共建設投資計畫-加速辦理地層下陷區排水環境改善示範計畫」,卻都有很高比例的工程因為居民的反對而停工甚至取消。 本研究乃以專家政治、民意政治、公民參與等理論,選定「易淹水地區水患治理計畫」中的「民雄鄉西昌村村落淹水防護設施改善工程」為研究個案,探討專家意見及民眾意見對於政策規劃的影響及二者間的落差,並試圖找出調和落差的方法進而提出政策建議,以利後續治水方案的推動。 研究發現,治水方案雖然由專家意見所主導,但規劃過程中如果沒有納入民眾意見,將很難獲得公眾的支持。在政策規劃階段引進公民參與的機制雖然可能耗費較多的時間與成本,但卻有助於政策的後續推動與執行。因為除了政策能融合理論與實務而更具備有效性之外,讓民眾參與政策的規劃與制定,使其能充分表達意見,會比作成決策後再讓民眾去討論不太可能變更的決策,更符合民主、更有助政策的執行。


The purposes of making any public policies by the government are to solve public problems and to satisfy public needs. The purpose of a flood-prevention project is to improve the increasingly severe flooding phenomenon, to provide safety, and protect people’s lives and properties. Accordingly, people should be in favor of it. Nevertheless, regardless of such policies like the Regulation Project of Flood-Prone Area passed by the Executive Yuan, or the demonstration project passed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (to revitalize the economy and to expand the special regulations of the Public Works) whose purpose is to accelerate the handling of, and to improve the drainage environment of the subsidence, there is a high probability rate in which the construction is delayed or cancelled due to protests from the local residence. Based on the theories such as technocracy, public opinions, and citizen participation, this study has selected an individual case to discuss the influence on regulating policies by, and the differences between professional and public opinions. It also tries to close the gap between the two in order to make future suggestions for regulating flood prevention projects. The case selected is the “Improvement on the flood-prevention facilitative construction in Xichang Village, Minxiong Township”. This case is also a part of the Regulation Project of Flood-Prone Area, passed by the Executive Yuan. From the research, one discovers that, although the professionals are often in charge of the flood-prevention projects, without considering public opinions during the process. However, it will be very difficult to gain public support, even though it may cost more in terms of time and capital to have public’s involvement in regulating the project. Nevertheless, it will make a greater impact on the continuance and execution of the plan. In addition to more efficiently combine the theoretic and realistic practices, having people’s involvement to regulate the policy will also provide them a chance to express their ideas to a certain extent. Rather than asking people’s opinions after the decision has been made, this way is more democratic, and the project can be executed much more efficiently.


