  • 學位論文


The Change of England Higher Education (HE) Systems in the Context of the Bologna Process

指導教授 : 楊深坑


面對「全球化」的衝擊及人力資本的需求增加,以歐盟在經濟上合作的經驗,歐洲各國透過高等教育制度的整合,提升歐洲高等教育的流動力、就業能力、競爭力與吸引力,預期在「波隆納歷程」架構下建立「歐洲高等教育區」的理想。本研究主要探討英國在「波隆納歷程」下高等教育制度之變革。首先,探討「歐洲化」理論如何建立英國與「波隆納歷程」合作的模式,研究架構為參考Witte的研究,延伸為九個層面的制度變革。例如,在學位結構、機構類型、課程管理、品質保證、終身教育、職業教育、進路、就業與經費分配等方面,並提出結論與建議。 本研究採取文件分析法及歷史研究法,探討英國高等教育制度的調整。得到幾個重要結論:(一)全球化社群脈絡既是雙贏也是零合;(二)波隆納歷程下歐洲高等教育區的實現,對經濟有高度助益,並已成功延伸至終身教育及職業教育的框架;(三)英國高等教育制度型態能提供多元選擇,較無調適困難;(四)英國高等教育課程管理變革,例如,ECTS、文憑補充說明文件及QAA等系統完備,能與歐洲ENQA制度配合,調適後可適應;(五)英國高等教育進路與就業變革,強調終身教育與職業教育的資歷架構建置,以促進歐洲資歷轉銜;(六)英國高等教育經費分配因應市場化機制,強調高等教育機構競爭力,並加入社會面向扶助弱勢;(七)亞太地區高等教育區域合作,因政治因素缺乏國家層級之策略及因地制宜的規劃,亟待整合並擴及正式課程。最後,本研究提出臺灣面臨全球化下高等教育整合趨勢的制度參考與建議。


Faced with the impact of globalization and increased demand of human capital, through the experience of European cooperation in the economic, European main countries integrated the HE systems to enhance the mobility, employment, competitiveness and attractiveness of European HE, expected to establish the ideal of European HE area under the architecture of the Bologna process. This study focused on the England HE systems reform under the Bologna process. First of all, investigate the "Europeanization" theory of how the England establishment the cooperation model with the Bologna process. This research was referenced from the Witte’s research framework and extended to nine levels of institutional change, for example, degree structure, types of institution, courses management, quality assurance, lifelong education, vocational education, access, employment and funding allocation, etc., finally to offer the conclusions and recommendations. The research method adopted document analysis and historical research to explore the adjustment of England HE system. Several important conclusions are obtained: (a) global community context is both win-win and zero-sum; (b) through the realization of the European HE area under the Bologna process, the economy has highly beneficial and has been successfully extended to the framework of lifelong education and vocational education; (c) England HE system can provide multiple choices, it is no difficulty of adjustment; (d) the changes of England HE systems courses management can coordinate with the European ENQA system; (e) the England HE access and employment change, emphasize the build of Qualifications Framework of lifelong education and vocational education, and promote the European qualifications transfer; (f) the England HE funding allocation in response to market mechanisms, emphasizing competitiveness of HE institution, and join the community for helping disadvantaged persons; (g) Asia-Pacific regional cooperation in HE is to integrate and extend to the formal curriculum. Finally, this study proposes the suggestions of integration of Taiwan HE on facing globalization trend system.


QAA(2003). A brief guide to quality assurance in UK higher education. QAA, Gloucester.
Held, D. & McGrew A. (2002). Governing Globalization: Power, Authority and Global Governance. Cambridge, MA:
