  • 學位論文


The Research of the Political News Comments on Online News Sites

指導教授 : 王嵩音


網路的蓬勃發展及日益普及之下,網路所具有的去中心性、互動性及即時性等,使得媒體在網路匯流的發展下能以多元的形式產生;加上主動閱聽人的樣態,近年來新聞媒體網站相繼成立了「意見回饋機制」。同時因社群媒體的崛起,使得新聞媒體網站開始與社群媒體結合,利用登入社群媒體帳號得以在新聞網路平台公開發表意見,同時分享於自身的社群媒體中。因此,新形式的回饋機制搭著社群媒體的風潮,在閱聽人的媒體使用上注入新的元素,也創建了媒體網站在回饋機制上的新格局。   本研究探討網路新聞平台政治新聞評論行為,試以人口學變項、網路政治新聞之媒體使用、網路新聞平台政治新聞之評論動機及政治態度來預測網路新聞平台政治新聞評論行為。研究方法結合量化的網路問卷調查法及質化的深度訪談法,研究對象為在網路新聞平台評論過「政治新聞」者。   在量化的部分,回收的有效問卷為233份,問卷經信效度檢定、相關分析、逐步迴歸分析及階層迴歸分析後,在網路政治新聞評論之動機對於網路政治新聞評論之頻率的預測能力,進行逐步迴歸分析結果顯示,網路政治新聞評論之動機,包括「反對動機」、「自我動機」、「酸民動機」及「資訊動機」是影響網路政治新聞評論之頻率的主要因素;最後針對網路政治新聞評論之頻率進行階層迴歸分析,結果發現媒體使用所包含的「網路政治新聞評論之注意程度」及網路政治新聞評論動機的「反對動機」在網路政治新聞評論之頻率具有預測力。   在質化的部分,共訪談7位受訪者,透過訪談結果並整合為下列面向進行討論,分別為:「發表政治新聞評論之平台選擇」、「發表政治新聞評論之動機」、「關注他者政治新聞評論之意涵」、「發表政治新聞評論之角色」、「發表政治新聞評論之隱私」、「發表政治新聞評論與其他新聞評論不同之處」。並發現多數評論者進行網路政治新聞評論時,常以「反對」為主,像是認為新聞報導偏頗、不滿政治事件或者因為想反駁其他政治評論者,而反駁其他評論者在許多訪談者中皆有提及,多與自己的理念不符、立場相左者予以反駁。


Due to its interactive and communicative possibilities, Internet has introduced changes in the ways by which information is produced and consumed and it also has contributed to blur the traditional distinction between sender and receiver. Compared to traditional mass media, the Internet as a communication environment offers a wider range of possibilities for debates on public issues. Posting comments on the news is one of the most popular forms of user participation in online newspapers. Most previous studies emphasized on the content of news comments and very few studies have ever been done on the behaviors of commentators. The purpose of this research was to explore the behavior of the commentators on online news sites by employing both qualitative and quantitative methods.   For the quantitative part, this study used four independent variables to predict the behavior of the commentators on online news sites. Totally 233 commentators were surveyed through the Internet in this study. The results showed that the majority were male and with college degree. Besides, Yahoo and Appledaily were the two most frequently used platforms. The study found that two independent variables could significantly predict the frequency of posting comments. "The degree of noticing political news comments on online news sites" was the most powerful independent variable, followed by "opposed motivation".   Seven commentators were interviewed to collect the qualitative data. The result showed that the commentator would express their political opinions because they thought the news was biased. Commentators also concerned mostly about their personal privacy. This study also discusses the theoretical and practical implications of those findings.


劉靜怡(2012)。〈社群網路時代的隱私困境:以 Facebook 為討論對象〉。《臺大法學論叢》,41(1):1-70。
