  • 學位論文


The Reintegration of School Age Male Juvenile Offenders – Exemplary Cases from Two Junior High schools in Beitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan.

指導教授 : 鄭瑞隆 教授


中文摘要 我國對於犯罪少年復歸校園的相關研究有限,其研究範圍對象又大多傾向於中輟生的復學歷程與經驗,甚少探究他們在經歷過去犯罪經驗後復歸校園所發生的生活變化與心靈感受。本研究旨在探討犯罪少年復歸校園的歷程變化與認知適應,瞭解他們復歸校園所參與學校各種動、靜態生活歷程的轉變,亦更進一步比較他們犯罪前與犯罪後參與學校各類活動之生活差異,以確切掌握他們犯罪後復歸校園生活的真實面貌。故本研究目的旨在探究犯罪少年的原生家庭背景、學校生活狀況及其犯罪因素,及探討犯罪少年復歸校園復原力歷程之適應與認知,及瞭解犯罪少年在復歸校園後生命的轉變與意義的認知。最後即針對犯罪少年復歸校園之復原歷程加以歸納,並提出幾項具體建議以作為政府針對此類教育之後續推展。 本研究採質性研究方法,以半結構式之深度訪談法執行主題研究,主要研究對象為臺中市北屯區2所國中之男學生各3名及該2所學校之專業輔導老師各1名,提供有關重要研究之訊息以做為本研究參考及驗證內涵之依據。本研究是透過現象學理論追溯過往的故事,再以敍述分析法了解整體所發生的變化加以整合,並再以詮釋互動論呼應過去文獻所提出之相關理論。 本研究分析後發現: 一、犯罪少年原生家庭狀況與影響 家庭呈現失功能現象與社經地位低弱,結構上呈現4種狀況:「單親家庭」、「重組家庭」、「雙親家庭」、「結構性複雜大家庭〈結構複雜大家庭,即家中除三代同住外,尚包含姑姑及父親女友同住,當中父親與姑姑曾受司法判決〉」。社經地位皆處於低底社會階層的勞動服務者。 犯罪少年家庭教養態度呈現:「疏於照顧」、「缺乏溝通與技巧」、「偏差觀 念傳承」等3種現象。 原生家庭的影響效應分別呈現:「何處是兒家」、「負面身教影響」,前者對 於犯罪少年而言,家的印象及感受呈「負面評價」,後者則是家庭的負面形象影響犯罪少年,影響因子包含「犯罪家庭」「冷漠家庭」「忙碌家庭」等3種狀況。 二、犯罪少年犯罪因素包含4方面:「個人因素」:呈現貪心、好奇、衝動、過度同情、僥倖心理、受同學影響、欠缺羞恥心及家庭依附等多方面影響。「家庭因素」:家庭結構、家庭教養及身教家庭的變項影響。「學校因素」:師生、同學關係及學校政策與生活規範。「社會文化因素」:以參與陣頭活動與結交陣頭朋友為主要因素,影響層面包含:「價值觀偏低」、「習得犯罪習性」、「與社會脫節」及「生活混亂」等多重負向層面。 三、犯罪少年復歸校園前、後之適應與認知情形 一般課程學習之表現,復歸前、後差異不大,態度上消極懶散,呈現適應不良。 復歸後,復原力課程接受度佳,惟觀念仍偏差,學習理解力弱,法律認知情形頗顯不足。 復歸後,校內師生互動關係及校外交友情形,已略顯改善。 復歸後,在校衝突情形無明顯改善,行為均賴以暴力方式解決;違規狀況時好時壞,行為呈現適應不良;師生相處,關係平淡,互動力小;校外交友情形,大部分仍維持復歸前的交友狀態,即不排斥與犯罪朋友交往,在交友認知上無危機意識感。 四、復歸歷程之生命的轉變與意義的認知:「後悔留下負面形象」及「失去,才知家人的可貴」,態度呈現積極正面;「不在乎犯罪行為」態度呈現消極負面。其轉變因子包含:「個人正向因子」、「家庭支持系統」、「學校支持系統」、「對社會陣頭文化的認知」等4個型態。最後,在個人期待與未來規劃呈現:「有信心離開犯罪圈並期許未來」、「沒有信心離開犯罪圈但仍期待未來」、「沒有信心離開犯罪圈對未來亦無期待」等3種型態,顯示少部分在經歷復原力歷程後,因態度轉變,對未來抱持希望,但大部分則是受現實環境的影響,對未來不奢望期待。


復原力 復歸校園 犯罪少年


Abstract There are a very limited amount of researches that were performed in Taiwan in investigating the reintegration of juvenile offenders back into the education system. Most of the available literatures have focused on the experience of reintegration for juvenile dropouts and few have investigated their lifestyle and psychological change experiences. Therefore, this study was aimed to investigate the reintegration adaptation of juvenile offenders, namely the changes in their academic activities, while further comparing their extra-curricular and lifestyle changes before and after their convictions. Through these investigations, we will be able to accurately portray the school reintegration process. The goals of this study are to understand the juvenile offenders’ family and school lives in order to determine the factors which led to their crimes, to investigate and determine the juvenile offenders’ recovery and awareness during their school reintegration process, and to formulate constructive improvement suggestions for the government in furthering the development of education reintegration programs. This qualitative study was based on data gathered from semi-structured in-depth interviews. The study subjects consist of 3 male students and 2 school counsellors, for control and evidence validation, that came from 2 different junior high schools in Beitun district, Taichung city, Taiwan. The study began with phenomenon theory based retrospective descriptions. The subjects’ experiences were determined through narrative analysis of the retrospective descriptions. Finally, these interpretations were validated by comparing them with theories presented in previous related literatures. The results are as the followings: A Juvenile offender’s family status and influence • Dysfunctional family and lower social status – juvenile offender’s family structures shows the following 4 scenarios: “single-parent family”, “blended family”, “two-parents family”, and “complicated large family” (complicated large family is defined as three generations of family members living under the same household, including aunt and father’s girlfriend, where the aunt and father had been convicted.) The social statuses of the family members belong to the lower tier of labor service providers. • Juvenile offender’s family upbringing include the following scenarios: “neglect”, “lack of communication skills”, and “inheritance of deviant perception”. • The family influences on juvenile offenders can be categorized as “belonging issues” and “negative examples”. In the first category, individuals often associate home with “negative” impressions and experiences. The second category is when the family can negatively influence an individual. These influence factors include “criminal families”, “neglect families”, and “pre-occupied families”. B The followings are 4 factors of juvenile delinquency: “personal factors”, where the juvenile individual exhibit traits such as greed, curiosity, impulsiveness, overly sympathetic, reliance on luck, lack of shame, and family dependency; “family factors”, these factors can include family structure, family upbringings, and family teachings by example; “school factors”, these factors can include peer interactions and school regulations; “social cultural factors”, generally include participations and meeting friends who participate in traditional troupe gatherings; “comprehensive factors”, these key factors can include lower life values, criminal habits, social dislocation, and chaotic lifestyles. C The changes in attitude and understanding of juvenile offenders before and after returning to their school-life environments are as the followings: • There is no obvious attitude difference in academic performance and activities. The students’ attitudes are passive and negative, exhibiting signs of maladaptation. • After returning to school, the acceptance for rehabilitation classes is high. However, the students still exhibited deviated ideals, slow understanding to academic subjects, and insufficient understanding of the law. • Relationships among teachers and non-school friends are improved after returning to school. • After returning to school, there was no obvious improvement was found in terms of conflicts occurrence at schools for the students. Where “physical violence” is the student’s main method of problem solving. The student’s behaviour is unstable and exhibited maladaptive behaviors. The student’s interaction with the teachers is low. Most of the students maintained the same social groups outside of the school system, similar to that of before returning to school. The students do not exclude from being associated with criminal friends and has no awareness of their deviated social life. D The understandings of the students toward “the regret of leaving negative impressions” and “cherish families only after losing them” are positive after their reintegration process. However, their attitudes towards “indifference about committing crime” still exhibited passiveness and negativity. Factor for juvenile offenders in transforming their mentalities can include “personal positive factors”, “family support system”, “school support system”, and “understanding social and gang cultures”. Finally, the juvenile offenders’ future plans and expectation can exhibit the following three trends: “positive about leaving criminal circles and future prospects”, “not confident about leaving criminal circle, but is hopeful of future prospects”, and “not confident about leaving criminal circle and has no future prospects”. These results demonstrated that after undergoing the reintegration process, a minor number of the students has begun to change their attitudes and are hopeful towards the future. However, the majority of the student possess no expectation towards their future prospects and thinks they are just confined within the current environment and reality.


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