  • 學位論文


Research of Management Strategies on Senior Volunteer Team In Senior Learning Center

指導教授 : 林麗惠


樂齡學習中心的成立,除中心的經營者之外,更招募社區人士及樂齡學習者組織樂齡志工隊,協助中心運作,藉由老人服務老人,鼓勵老人社會參與並成為服務者,永續經營樂齡中心。 本研究主要以樂齡志工隊成員為主體,了解樂齡學習中心志工隊經營策略。其研究目的有四:一、了解籌組(參與)樂齡志工隊的緣由與組成策略;二、分析樂齡志工隊的服務範疇與功能;三、探討經營樂齡志工隊的優勢與劣勢;四、提出樂齡志工隊經營的策略與建議,為達到上述目的,本研究採用質性訪談法,研究對象以立意取樣,徵得樂齡學習中心志工與經營者進行研究。收錄受訪者經營(參與)樂齡志願服務的動機、理念、行動過程以及參與策略……等,以詳實呈現樂齡志工隊的服務範疇與經營策略,進而探究經營志工隊的困境與展望,透過本研究過程獲得以下九個結論: 一、志工加入樂齡志工隊的緣由是參與樂齡學習 二、樂齡志工隊的籌組策略採取內部自立與外部支援的方式 三、樂齡志工隊的服務範疇包括場域性課程服務以及意識性典範形象 四、志工隊經營概況與編制範疇機制靈活且多元 五、樂齡志工隊具有正向吸引力有助於吸引人才投入樂齡學習 六、樂齡精神、服務態度與經費是經營樂齡志工隊阨需整合的困境 七、樂齡志工隊發展需仰賴「中心主任、隊長、志工」同心經營 八、樂齡志工隊之發展策略應重視高齡人力資本與培育藍圖 九、愛的熱力與典範能量是樂齡志工隊最佳的發展策略 最後,根據上述研究結論,對樂齡相關機構、政府相關單位以及後續的研究者提出參考建議。


Senior Learning Center was established, not only by the center managers, but also the recruited members of the community and other senior learners who organize Senior Volunteer Team to assist the center’s operation. Since the elderly are serviced by the volunteer elderly, the volunteers are encouraged to participate and become social service providers for the sustainability of the Senior Learning Center. The study is mainly based on Senior Volunteer Team members, and to understand the management strategies of Senior Learning Center and Senior Volunteer Team. There are four purposes for the study: First, to understand the origin reason and process of the organization of Senior Volunteer Team; second, to analize the service areas and functions of Senior Volunteer Team; third, to find the advantages and disadvantages of Senior Volunteer Team management; fourth, to submit strategies and recommendations to Seniors Volunteer Team for better operations. To achieve the above objects, with the consent of Senior Learning Center volunteers, the study used qualitative interviews to get the study purposive sampling and carry out the research. Respondents include participators’ motivations, ideas, and the participation in policy course of action, so as to present detailed of Senior Volunteer Team’s service areas and business strategy, and furthermore, to preceive the plight and explore the prospection of Senior Volunteer Team in the future. Through this research, nine conclusions process are as follows: First, the reason for the volunteers to join the Team is to participate in Senior Learning. Second, the strategy to organize Senior Volunteer Team is adopted from internal self organized and external support from outer teams. Third, the service areas of the Team include senior field courses as well as awareness of the image of model services. Fourth, the management statement and the mechanism of the scope management are flexible and multivariate. Fifth, Senior Volunteer Team has a positive appeal to help attract the talented into Senior Learning. Sixth, senior spirit, attitudes and funding difficulties are the Team’s management plights which need urgent integration Seventh, the development of Senior Volunteer Team relies on "center director, the leader, the volunteers” to proceed successfully. Eighth, senior volunteer development strategies should pay attention to the elderly’s human capital and foster blueprint. Ninth, a model of passion and energy of love are the best strategy of development for Senior Volunteer Team. Finally, according to the above findings, the research will be submitted for reference proposals to the senior relevant agencies, government units, and the subsequent researchers.




