  • 學位論文


A Study on the Supervision of Shadow Banking in R.O.C. and P.R.C.

指導教授 : 王志誠


影子銀行的風險被認為是造成2008年全球金融危機的重要原因之一,如何強化對影子銀行體系之監理,成為近來國際金融改革之重要議題,希藉由影子銀行監理缺失的改進,可以亡羊補牢的避免下一次類似金融危機的再次發生。 隨者網路技術發展及金融創新,除傳統影子銀行的類型外,亦產生了許多新興影子銀行的類型。而全球金融危機後,各國及國際組織紛紛對影子銀行的監理機制研提許多規範及建議,透過研究及了解,期能作為我國監理制度之參考。 影子銀行的定義與種類不一,本研究就我國的票劵金融公司、租賃業及典當業之管理,作一分析介紹。並探討中國大陸對租賃業、小額貸款公司及網路貸款平台等影子銀行中之規範及監督。 金融管制與解除管制,向來是金融主管機關的一大難題,在新型金融產品及新興影子銀行的不斷出現下,期盼主管機關洞燭機先,兼顧安全與效率,在金融管制與創新間取得平衡,建構出與時俱進的金融法制,以促進經濟發展。


The risk of shadow banking is considered to be one of the major causes of the 2008 global financial crisis. How to strengthen the supervision of the shadow banking system has recently become an important issue for the evolution of international financial system. It is important to prevent the possible global financial crisis from happening by improving the supervision of shadow banking. With the development of internet technology and financial innovation, in addition to the traditional type of shadow banking, there are many new types appearing in the market. After the 2008 global financial crisis, many countries and international organizations have done many researches and enacted laws and regulations to effectively supervise shadow banking. The purpose of this study is to recommend some mechanisms of supervising shadow banking to Taiwan financial authority. The definition of shadow banking and types vary. This study focuses on the research and analysis of supervision of bill finance companies, leasing companies and pawnshop engaged by Taiwanese financial authority. Besides, the supervision and regulation to shadow banking such as leasing industry, small loan companies and P2P in China will also be discussed in this study. To regulate or deregulate of a financial activity is always a big problem of financial authority. With the continuous appearing new financial products and new types of shadow banking, we hope the financial authority will find the balance between financial innovation and monetary regulation by giving consideration to both efficiency and safety of transaction and build up a set of achieved financial regulations in order to improve the development economics.


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