  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the R.O.C. Armed Forces’ Policies on Disaster Prevention and Relief from a Legal Perspective

指導教授 : 宋學文


我國地處歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓海板塊交界處之環太平洋地震帶與亞熱帶氣候區,經常受到地震、颱風、水災、土石流等天然災害的侵襲。根據世界銀行委託美國哥倫比亞大學地球研究所對於全球天然災害熱點(disaster hotspots)的調查報告,臺灣處於世界上最危險的地方。 我國災害防救體系建構於「九二一大地震」後,2000年災害防救法公告施行,經歷二次修訂,律定了災害管理的各項權責及機關,並成為建立政府災害應變能力的法源依據。我國之災害防救法,採取了特定災害管理途徑(Single-Hazard Approach),明訂不同類型的災害由不同的主管機關負責,確立我國三級之災害防救體系,而國軍則依法「接受申請,被動支援」救災。 然經2009年「八八水災」驗證,當時災害防救機制出現救援指揮系統混亂、災害防救事權歸屬不明、救災組織人員編制不足,以及災害預警與通報系統未臻健全等問題,檢討修正災害防救法部份條文,以有效發揮部會間協調整合功能,發揮災害防救體系功能,而國軍則依法調整為「主動、協調執行」。本文藉兼具國際與國內的研究觀點,以先進國家相關案例及作法,對照我國經驗,探討國軍參與災害防救政策。 關鍵詞:災害防救、國軍參與災害防救、九二一大地震、八八水災。


Taiwan is located on the circum-Pacific belt, on the border of the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate. Due to its geographical location and subtropical climate, Taiwan is frequently troubled by natural disasters including earthquakes, typhoons, floods, and mudslides. According to a research conducted by the Earth Institute of Columbia University for the World Bank on global disaster hotspots, Taiwan is identified as one of the riskiest regions. Taiwan established its disaster prevention and relief system after the 921 Earthquake. The Disaster Prevention and Protection Act was passed in 2000, and was amended twice. The act specified the government agencies responsible for disaster prevention and relief and provided the legal basis for the government to establish the disaster prevention and relief system. The Disaster Prevention and Protection Act adopts the “Single-Hazard Approach”, and specifies the respective agencies responsible for each type of disaster under the three-layered disaster prevention and relief system. According to the act, the R.O.C. Armed Forces are to take a “supportive role in disaster relief and passively wait for a request for aid.” However, Typhoon Morakot in 2009 exposed flaws in the disaster prevention and relief system. The system was disorganized, and the authorities of government agencies were not well-defined. The human resources allocated to disaster relief were inadequate, and the disaster warning and reporting systems were not fully functional. Portions of the Disaster Prevention and Protection Act were reviewed with the goals of effectively facilitating the communications between government agencies and fully utilizing the disaster prevention and relief system. Under the amended act, the R.O.C. Armed Forces take a “proactive, facilitative, and executing” role in disaster prevention and relief. This thesis adopts international and domestic perspectives by comparing cases and approaches in developed countries with disaster prevention and relief experiences in Taiwan to discuss the R.O.C. Armed Forces’ policies on disaster prevention and relief. Keywords: Disaster Prevention and Relief, R.O.C. Armed Forces’ Participation in Disaster Prevention and Relief, 921 Earthquake, Typhoon Morakot


張中勇等,「災害防救與我國國土安全管理機制之策進 - 兼論國軍在災防應變之角色」,國土防衛與災害防救學術研討會,臺北市,2009年12月。
