  • 學位論文


Crowdfunding Journalism in Taiwan:The case study of weReport

指導教授 : 羅世宏


隨著網路與數位傳播科技的成熟運用,新聞報導以創新多元的面貌呈現,公民能夠參與新聞的產製與協作,使新聞報導得以更加快速地蒐集與廣闊傳布。然而,媒體競逐商業利益造成現今的新聞業充斥著廣告置入與即時新聞氾濫的媒體亂象。為了挽救這項困境,「群眾募資」是近幾年在新聞實驗中極具挑戰與意義的一項運作模式,因此,本研究以台灣第一個新聞募資平台《weReport》作為個案,試圖了解「群眾募資」是否能為新聞業找尋到符合媒體型態的新聞產製機制。 本研究採用「個案分析」了解《weReport》在新聞群眾募資上的實踐,呈現《weReport》三年半(2011年12月至2015年6月)的發展軌跡與使用狀況,並透過質性的「深度訪談」探討《weReport》提案者的提案經驗以及群眾募資帶給新聞業的意義與影響。 研究結果發現,群眾募資增添的經濟層面,為獨立媒體人找尋到一項新的獲償機制;《weReport》的專業形象,媒合了同樣對於優質新聞有所期待的報導者與讀者,彰顯出新聞群眾募資與綜合型募資平台之間的差異;在新聞產製的過程中,新聞類的群眾募資使報導更符合問責的要求,去中心化讓群眾扮演篩選新聞的守門人,也是培養優質讀者群眾的一種可能。此外,群眾募資的回饋機制與資助模式,使獨立媒體人更加重視個人品牌以及經營讀者社群。目前群眾募資在新聞業上的運用以各種不同形式的網站持續實驗中,未來有待觀察。而台灣的《weReport》仍在進行這項重建新聞危機的公民行動,期盼有更多的公眾參與公共事務,提倡調查新聞與深度報導,提昇公民生活、健全民主政治的運作。


Crowdfunding Journalism in Taiwan: The case study of weReport 《Abstract》 Thisresearchis based on a case study of “weReport”, a pioneering crowdfunding platform that aims to connect journalists directly with their backers in Taiwan. Though challenging, to solve media chaos problem, a number of meaningful attempts have been made to bring crowdfunding to journalism over past several years. Therefore, this research focused on crowdfunding journalism, not only presenting the development and the usage of weReport from December 2011 to June 2015, but also exploring the reporters’ experience getting their project crowdfunded and the impact of crowdfunding on journalism through the in-depth interviews. The results show that the independent journalists or quality bloggers have found a way to seek funding for their projects on a crowdfunding platform. In addition, the professional image of weReport has an influence onbuilding a strong connection between the reporters and the supporters. Besides, crowdfunding journalism meets the demand of accountability, giving power back to the reader and the journalist, namely, the decentralized editorial power let the crowd take on the role of gatekeeper, which has a possibility to cultivate the reader community caring about investigative issues ofpublic interest. This research also concludes that the reader donations and reward model creates a new sense of responsibility for the journalists. Therefore, the journalists will pay much attention on how to raise awareness to their projects and how to expand the reader community during crowdfunding campaigns. As an experiment of crowdfunding journalism in Taiwan, weReport highlights the participatory culture and continuously encourages more citizens take part in rebuilding the journalism crisis. Keyword: crowdfunding; journalism; weReport; investigative reporting.


趙于萱、陳芛薇(2014b)。〈共專題 │記者的獨立之路 《環境報導》朱淑娟〉,《共誌》,第八期。
趙于萱、陳芛薇(2014a)。〈共專題 │ 走出台灣,獨立報導 林冠吟的比利時經驗〉,《共誌》,第八期。
