  • 學位論文


The Study of the Incorporation of Services of High-Risk Family

指導教授 : 林明地 鄭瑞隆


本研究旨在了解高風險家庭及其家內兒少所面臨的困境,其所得資源能否適切地符合其需要,藉以檢視我國政府單位對於需要高關懷的兒童少年及其高風險家庭是否給予足夠且適切的資源,來幫助其獲得完整的照顧。 本研究係以質化研究取徑來探究高風險家庭服務網絡單位之整合狀況,藉由訪談15位台南市高風險家庭工作的網絡單位人員,包含社福社政人員、教育人員、司法人員、警政人員及衛政人員等五個專業系統,來了解單位與機構之間的互動關係、整合的困難性及尋找未來整合可行的方法,故研究方法採取半結構深度訪談方法,進行資料的蒐集與分析。 本研究之研究結果發現: 一、高風險家庭服務執行之現況與不足之處,包含(一)需求多而難度高的個案使服務機構壓力大、(二)跨單位、跨機構的服務存在諸多認知不一的現況、(三)機構間服務的切割是必然的、(四)服務不足表現在資源不足、法令政策不足、機構間合作關係不足及機構本身結構與特性的限制。 二、各系統專業人員對於整合高風險家庭服務的困難之看法,認為會面臨資源分配及跨系統服務的合作狀態不一的難題,困難包含以下六點:(一)單位間本位主義、認知差異、溝通瓶頸、(二) 政策與制度造成社工人員力有未逮、(三) 二線社福單位的素質落差很大、(四) 誰來領頭整合、(五) 機構立場特殊不易推動整合、(六) 個案問題難度很高。 三、各系統專業人員對於未來高風險家庭服務整合認為具有可行性與效果,研究結果得可行作法數種,並提出關鍵措施,包含(一)專業訓練、專人專責、(二) 平時交流建立機構間信任關係、(三)透過個案會議聯繫協調、(四)機構主管領導觀念、(五)主政者心態、(六)立法等六個關鍵措施,以期帶來服務整合可能獲得的效果。


The research is aimed at understanding what difficulty children and adolescents from high-risk families are faced with and whether the resources the whole families get can meet their needs. Thus, our government can examine whether those families are given sufficient and adequate resources so that they are taken good care of. The research is done through qualitative research approach to explore the incorporation of the high-risk family service network. By interviewing 15 Tainan City High-risk Family Service Network agents, including professionals in the fields of social work, education, justice, police and health department, the research shows the interaction between agencies and organizations, the difficulty of coordination, and a potential way for further coordination in the future. Therefore, the research is conducted in semi-structured interview method, collecting information and analyzing it. The results of the research: 1. The current situation and the shortage of the high-risk family service includes heavy pressure from some extreme cases and the great differences among agencies and organizations. Besides, these organizations respectively give different services; insufficient service stems from the shortages of resources , policies, lack of trust among them and from the limitation of structure of the organizations. 2. All professionals in the service network think that the distribute of resources and the cooperation among the organizations lead to some problems. First, the agencies have different opinions. Second, the social workers fail to do their job well because of the policy and the system. Third, the quality of the social welfare agencies varies. Forth, it’s hard to decide who is responsible for incorporation. Next, it’s hard to incorporate the different organizations. Last, some cases are difficult to handle. 3. All professionals in the service network consider it feasible and effective to incorporate the high-risk family services. They offer the following solutions. First, recruit a person who receives professional training and is in charge of the incorporation of the services . Second, keep in constant contact with each other. Third, take advantage of the case meeting to coordinate frequently. Forth, the supervisor of an organization has leadership. In addition, the mayor's attitude and the policy are the key to a positive result from the incorporation of the service.


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