  • 學位論文


A study on the Integrative Activities, Civic Consciousness and Organizational Citizenship Behavior for High School and Vocational High School Students in Chiayi

指導教授 : 朱啟華


摘  要 本研究旨在探討嘉義市高中職學生綜合活動課程態度與公民意識、組織公民行為關係之研究,研究者以104學年就讀於嘉義市高中職學生一、二、三年級為研究對象,採多階段叢集隨機取樣方式,先由嘉義市高中職學校中抽取4所學校,高中2所、高職含綜合高中2所,每所學校再採用分層隨機取樣方法,將學生依就讀年級分三個層級(一、二、三年級),最後採用叢集隨機取樣方法,從各年級中以「班級」為單位,各抽取一個班級。總計發出445份問卷,得有效問卷436份。受試者施以綜合活動課程態度量表、公民意識量表及組織公民行為量表後,所得資料以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法加以分析,主要研究結果如下: 一、高中職學生「綜合活動課程態度」、「公民意識」與「組織公民行為」現況在平均數之上。 二、性別等3個背景變項在「綜合活動課程態度」上有顯著差異。 三、性別等3個背景變項在「公民意識」上有顯著差異。 四、學校屬性等2個背景變項在「組織公民行為」有顯著差異。 五、高中職學生綜合活動課程態度愈高、其公民意識愈高、組織公民行為表現愈好。 六、高中職學生「綜合活動課程態度」的4個變項對「公民意識」具有預測力。 七、高中職學生「綜合活動課程態度」的3個變項對「組織公民行為」具有預測力 根據以上結論所提出建議,首先對導師的部份有:應了解學生的個別差異,活潑綜合活動課程教學;落實班級活動涵養團隊精神;推廣公民參與,培養人文關懷素養。另外在學校建議方面:鼓勵發展學校特色活動,促進個性與群性調和;健全學生自治會活動,培養民主素養;對教育行政機關的建議則為:推廣社團活動、服務學習落實學生公民參與;建構教師專業社群與學習分享平台。 關鍵字:綜合活動課程、公民意識、組織公民行為


A study on the Integrative Activities, Civic Consciousness and Organizational Citizenship Behavior for High School and Vocational High School Students in Chiayi Tseng Hui Yi Graduate Institute of Education National Cheng Chung University Abstract This study focused on Integrative Activities, civic consciousness and organizational citizenship behavior for high school and vocational high school students in Chiayi. We proceeded by the collected and well-defined questionnaire with cluster sampling, and raw data were surveyed by totally 436 questionnaires under high school and vocational high school students, which was chosen each class from two high school and two vocational high schools in Chiayi. The statistic method are including t-test, one way analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression etc. based on the Integrative Activities attitude scale, civic consciousness scale and organizational citizenship behavior rating scale done by survey candidates. The conclusion of this study is as below: 1. The result showed the Integrative Activities, civic consciousness and organizational citizenship behavior from high school and vocational high school students are over average. 2. The significant differences can be found under the gender and the other three background variables from the Integrative Activities. 3. The significant differences can be found under the gender and the other three variables from the civic consciousness. 4.The significant differences can be found under the school system and two variables from the organizational citizenship behavior. 5. The better attitude of Integrative Activities, the higher civic consciousness, and the better performance of organizational citizenship behavior that high school and vocational high school students had. 6. The attitude of Integrative Activities had high predictability toward four variables 0f the civic consciousness from high school and vocational high school students. 7. The attitude of Integrative Activities has high predictability toward three variables of the organizational citizenship behavior from high school and vocational high school students. From above results, we had some suggestions to different aspects. For the teschers, understand individual differences between students, active Integrated Activities Course; the implementation of class activities conservation team; the promotion of citizen participation, culture human care literacy. For the schools , encourage the development of school special events, promote individuality and sociability reconcile ; Improve the student council, to develop democratic accomplishment, For the government organization of educational administrations, promote community activities; Construction of Teacher Professional Learning Communities and sharing platform. Keywords: Integrative Activities, civic consciousness, organizational citizenship behavior




丁立文(2017)。國中教師變革型領導、學生正向心理資本和組織公民行為關係之研究: 以桃園市為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700184
