  • 學位論文


Action research of private kindergarten proceed food safety classes regard as marketing management

指導教授 : 蔡清田


私立幼兒園進行食安課程作為行銷策略之行動研究 摘 要 本研究旨在探討經營者如何在少子化面臨經營困境中的環境,透過食安教育課程行動方案,達到行政團隊組織效能提升創造幼兒園的教學特色對外招生行銷,建立幼兒園的口碑。研究目的在透過情境分析、探討小米幼兒園所面臨的困境,並藉由行動研究研擬課程方案、記錄實施歷程、評鑑課程方案成效與省思,以達成食安教育課程設計之目標。 本研究問題如下: 一、透過情境分析小米幼兒園所面臨的困境與省思? 二、如何規劃因應困境的行動方案策略與省思? 三、如何實施因應困境的行動方案? 四、如何評鑑因應困境的行動方案? 本研究結論如下: 一、情境分析發現小米幼兒園所面臨的困境與省思來自於幼教環境改變的需求。 二、透過行政領導規劃的行動方案策略,達到行政團隊組織效能提升創造幼兒園差異 化的教學特色。 三、因應食安教育實施的行動方案,避開食安危機。 四、評鑑食安教育的行動方案強化教學資源,達到提升幼兒園招生之目的。 關鍵詞:幼兒園、幼兒園行銷、幼兒園行銷的因應策略、食安教育


Action research of private kindergarten proceed food safety classes regard as marketing management Abstract The research discusses the manager how to use food safety educational classes to achieve Performance improvements of administration, create kindergarten’s teaching characteristic for recruiting students, and set up public praise. The purpose of research through scenario analysis to probe the plight at Xiao-Mi kindergarten. With action research about classes, record implements, and evolutional classes’ effect and reflection that achieve the purpose of food safety educational classes. RESEARCH QUESTIONS: 1.Through scenario analysis to know Xiao-Mi kindergarten’s plight and reflection? 2.How to plan the action plan strategies and reflection of adaptive plight? 3.How to implement action plan of adaptive plight? 4.How to evaluate action plan of adaptive plight? RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS 1.Scenario analysis that finds out Xiao-Mi kindergarten’s plights which comes from requirement of early childhood education’s changing surroundings. 2.Through action plan strategies of executive leadership’s program, achieving performance improvements of administration and creating kindergarten’s differentiations of teaching characteristic. 3.In response to food safety educational action plans, avoiding food safety crisis. 4.Evaluating food safety educational action plans and strengthening teaching resources that achieves prompting purpose of kindergarten’s recruiting. KEYWORDS: kindergarten, kindergarten marketing, adaptive strategies of kindergarten marketing, food safety education


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