  • 學位論文


The Emotional Rules of Elementary School Expert Teachers: An Analysis of Student-Classification

指導教授 : 陳幸仁


本研究旨在分析專家教師眼中各種類型學生的行為特質,及教師面對不同類型學生行為特質時,所展現的情緒規則,包含表層情緒展現,深層情緒展現和直接流露。參與研究對象為四位任職於國小的專家教師,主要透過質性研究半結構式的深入訪談,進行資料蒐集。研究結論分其一為學生類型及其行為特質;另一則為教師面對各種類型學生時,所展現的情緒規則。最後根據研究發現,分別對教師、相關教育機關,及未來的研究者提出建議。研究結論分述如下: 一、學生類型中有「呼風喚雨型」:在意分組方式與公平性、深具影響力;「受責 反抗型」:說謊狡辯、易怒、不服管教;「疏離靜觀型」:人際關係不佳、學 業成就低落、害羞內向;「小丑型」:天馬行空、刻意干擾等行為。 二、學生類型下專家教師的情緒規則: (一)師生關係良好,正向表層情緒展現則不影響彼此信任。 (二)教師運用正向表層情緒,冷靜以待「受責反抗型」學生。 (三)面對「受責反抗型」與「疏離靜觀」型學生,常用正向情緒深層展現, 表現同理與關懷。 (四)面對「呼風喚雨」型學生,直接流露正向情緒,借力使力。 (五)教師人格特質不同,影響情緒展現方式。 (六)專家教師為高度自我監控者,因此偽裝生氣,卻威而不怒。 (七)專家教師的負向情緒的深層展現情形較少見。 (八)專家教師善用「我訊息」,直接流露負向情緒。


The study is to analyze the classification of students into types in expert teachers’ opinion and to enquire into the emotional rules of the experts including “surface acting”, “deep acting”, and “genuine” when they face the different types of students’ behavior characteristics. The study was conducted by qualitative and semi-structured interview with four elementary school expert teachers. One conclusion of the study is the type of students and their behavior characteristics, and the other conclusion is the emotional rules of the expert elementary school teachers. It proposed the following conclusions: In the experts’ opinion, the students are classified into several types: “Movers and Shakers”: they are influential, and they care about grouping and fairness. “Defensive Behavior Student”:they often lie and quibble, they are bad tempered, and they are disobedience. “Alien”: they have bad relationships, they have poor academic performance, and they are shy and introverted. “Clown”: they are out of the box, or they interrupt the class on purpose. The emotional rules of elementary school expert teachers are as follows: 1. If the teacher-student relationship is good, positive surface acting emotions will not affect the trust between the teacher and the student. 2. The expert teachers use positive surface acting emotions, to calmly face “Defensive Behavior Student”. 3. The expert teachers use deep positive acting emotions, to face “Alien” and “Defensive Behavior Student” with empathy and care. 4. The expert teachers face “Movers and Shakers” with genuine in order to make good use of the students’ influence. 5. Teachers’ personality differences affect emotional rules to show the way. 6. The expert teachers are high self-monitor, so they act angry, but they are just majestic in fact. 7. The expert teachers use surface negative emotion acting rarely. 8. The experts are good at using I-message to be genuine.


