  • 學位論文


The ethno-zoological knowledge and animal utilization of Western Rukai tribes, Pingtung, Taiwan

指導教授 : 裴家騏


本研究在2008年4月至2009年1月,陸續訪談了屏東縣霧台鄉好茶、霧台、大武及谷川四個部落之長老有關野生動物之傳統生態知識。共記錄93種常見動物的資料,有26種哺乳類、13種魚類、40種鳥類、14種蛇類。各部落間名稱有差異的哺乳類佔16種、魚類佔10種、鳥類佔32種、蛇類佔11種。動物以叫聲命名的有25種;以生態習性命名的有3種;以行為命名的有9種;以型態命名的有14種;以傳說命名的有2種。 在這些動物中,用途為食用的最多,有57種;其次為用於交易販賣和有禁忌意義的各有9種、用於衣飾的有8種、用於占卜的有6種、用於象徵身分的則有5種。另外,有傳說或諺語的則有17種。 傳統生態知識是人類和環境互動所累積下來的知識,可做為生物多樣性保育及自然資源永續經營參考。隨著社會變遷,傳統生態知識正面臨逐漸消失危機。建議應即早對這些傳統知識紀錄及探討,以免耆老逝去後這些長久累積卻未被記載的珍貴知識也隨之消失。


During April 2008 and January 2009, I interviewed elders of Rukai Tribe from Haocha, Wutai, Dawu and Yila Communes at Wutai Township, Pingtung County, for their traditional ecological knowledge of wildlife. I recorded information of 93 common species, including 26 mammals, 13 fishes, 40 birds and 14 snakes. Sixteen mammals, 10 fishes, 32 birds and 11 snakes has more than one name within these 4 communes. There are 25 species named according to the unique sound they produce, 3 are named according to the habitat they inhabit, 9 are named after their distinguished behaviors, 14 are named wereaccording to their appearances, and the name of 2 species came from myths of the Rukai Tribe. Majority of these species (= 57 species) are used for food, other major utilizations including 9 species eah for trading and totem believing, 8 species are used in clothing, 6 species are used for divination, 5 species are symbols for one’s identity. In additional, there are myths or proverb for 17 species. Traditional ecological knowledge is accumulated by the interaction between human and environment, which can be applied in biodiversity conservation and sustainable management for natural resources. When society changes through time, traditional ecological knowledge is facing the crisis of vanishing. To record and study on these traditional knowledge as soon as possible is recommended, for they will be lost when elders are gone.




edition). p.473. Yang-Chih Book Co., Taiwan.
